Terms and Conditions


Introduction and definitions



Welcome to the Yejei.com business platform, which falls under the ownership, responsibility and management of the Professional Horizons Corporation for Trade and Marketing and holds commercial registration No. 4030364540, which is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. We are pleased to inform you that we are fully prepared to provide the service and / or services to you according to the conditions. and our own judgments



The terms and conditions apply as soon as you agree to register your data and send it to us without prior commitment to accepting your registration with us.



Data registration and transmission is an acknowledgment of the validity of the recorded and attached data, and the user (customer or seller) bears any legal or criminal consequences in the event of a breach, sending incorrect or erroneous information, impersonating another person, or committing any violation of regulations of any kind.



Data registration and transmission is an acknowledgment of acceptance of the terms, conditions, and policies of the Egy.com business platform, and this approval remains valid until the account is canceled by the user or the person authorized to follow up and use the account after the approval of the platform management, and the cancellation or termination of the account does not The user is exempted from any other obligations incurred by him towards the platform, other users within the platform, or any other party directly or indirectly related to the user's activity within the platform.



Registration and sending data of the customer or seller requires approval of the platform management and acceptance of registration.



The person authorized to follow up and use the account is on behalf of the user in all transactions within the platform, and the registration of his data with us by the user as authorized is considered an acknowledgment of his right to make decisions on behalf of the user in the event that the user authorizes him to use the account, and the management of the platform has the right to deal directly with the authorized person, whether through Contact or e-mail messages according to the data entered by the user upon registration, and in the event of changing the authorized person or changing his data, this can be modified by the user from the information page and / or informing us of this via e-mail via the mail registered by the user



The authorized person may be affiliated with the user, such as being one of the employees, marketing or sales officials, one of the user's affiliates, or someone the user trusts to act on his behalf to manage his account on the platform, and he may be the user himself and then register his data as authorized



For the purposes of applying the terms, policies and conditions of the platform. It is necessary to explain and define the following terms and their purposes, which are indicated in front of each of them, and which are applied to the parties to the contract, unless the context and text require otherwise:



The platform: Everything that is included in the site and services of the platform comes. ComAamal and what it consists of scope, applications, tools, software, electronic and non-electronic or financial data, or text and quantitative data, which refers to the set of information shared by users and the results that result from it, and also includes the links and branches that are linked to it within the site and the process / operations that It is managed by, and may be referred to as the business platform, and/or us, and/or our platform, and/or our site, and it may also be referred to and denoted by the possessive pronoun us.



Platform Management: The entity authorized by law to manage operations, supervise, audit, account, carry out administrative tasks, and implement the platform’s systems, conditions, and policies. It may be referred to as the management or supervisors in the plural form, or the supervisor in an individual form.



Visitor: An Internet user who is on the platform and has not registered there.



User: Everyone who has registered on the platform, whether he is a seller or a customer, and when plural it is referred to as “users” in the indefinite form, users in the plural.



Seller: Every user who has registered on the platform for the purpose of buying and selling and has been approved by the platform management as a seller. The seller may be an individual, an institution, a company, or a factory, and is referred to as a seller in the indefinite form, and may carry other terms that denote it, such as: merchant , supplier , service provider .



Customer: Every user who registered on the platform for the purpose of purchasing only and was approved by the platform management as a customer, and the customer may be an individual, an institution, a company, or a factory, and it is referred to as a customer in the indefinite form, and it may carry other terms that indicate it, such as: consumer.



Store: Each space within the platform that the platform management grants for a specified and/or indefinite period according to and according to the agreement with the seller as a result of its acceptance of the terms, conditions and policies to which all users are subject, according to which it becomes under the management and disposal of the seller and it manages orders and controls transactions with users Others, and the plural of them are stores, and they are called a group, and they may belong to one or more sellers.



Electronic commerce system: It is the electronic commerce system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



Regulations: All regulations that regulate and/or are related to the e-commerce system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or in detail and explaining it or an aspect or aspects of it, may come in the singular form of a system, for example: the e-commerce system, the copyright protection system.



Laws: All laws regulating and legislating transactions within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it may come in the singular form of law, for example: Trademarks Law.



Regulations: All the executive regulations of the systems in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and may come in the singular form of regulations, for example: the executive regulations of the e-commerce system.



Content: All data shared by the user and the platform, which is in the form of texts, numbers, symbols, or media that refer to and build information that indicates a value and/or a set of values, facts, clarification, explanation, ideas, standards, or a distinction between a set of data.



Digital Content: It is the content that is circulated, stored and/or displayed as data and a digital method.



Product Information: Any content that describes a part or parts of a product or service. It may be called product information or product information.



data : Letters and / or words and / or numbers and / or symbols and / or media, whatever their source, and are used when dealing within the platform, and this data carries a specific value and / or is required by the receiver of this data or whoever stores and / or uses it, and it varies The importance of data from one future to another.



Product: Every commodity or service that can be purchased by users within the platform and is presented, displayed, and priced by a seller who is considered the actual owner of the product, or this can be completed by one of his delegates authorized by him / them through him, as well as acting, determining the sale decision, approving it, and bearing the consequences and obligations based on this contract or deal.



Contract: All terms, conditions and policies regulating the work of the platform and its parties are users and beneficiaries of the site’s services when they accept to register with the platform in the form of a contract.



Carrier: It is the person or entity authorized by the platform to transfer the product from the seller to the buyer, and it may sometimes be the seller himself when using the platform’s delivery system, and he may be called the shipping agent, and in plural carriers or freight forwarders.

April 2023 


Usage policy



Please read the conditions for using the platform carefully, as these terms and conditions are based on all laws and matters arising from your access and use of the platform from the website, mobile site, mobile applications, and any portal that the business platform may own in the future, under our management, or bear Our logos or tags.



The platform's relationship with visitors:

  • Browser of the platform without registering in it is considered as a visitor
  • The user, before registering on the platform, is considered a visitor.
  • In the event that the visitor or browser of the platform or application is under the age of 18 (the age of majority), he is not entitled to register as a user, and in the event that he violates that, the platform, the management of the platform, its employees, those in charge of it, or its users shall not bear any responsibility for browsing or viewing content or navigation between pages or any other consequences as a result
  • The platform may provide some answers to inquiries and services, and may respond to future visitors or users who have not yet registered with the platform or application through means inside or outside the platform. The platform management may request some information or data from them, and in the event that it is sent to us, we are not responsible for this The data, its privacy, credibility, the purpose or purposes for which it was sent, and as a result of not knowing the party sending this data, who is the visitor, this does not fall under the scope of our responsibilities or duties towards that data or the way it is used or employed.
  • Terms and conditions apply to the visitor within the limits of the following:
    1. What is not related to registration and the consequent terms and conditions of use and the relationship with the platform and its management and third parties or other users.
    2. Regarding the data that is sent to the platform about registration, inquiry, questionnaire, clarification, or other matters that the visitor can send data about.
    3. All conditions that cannot be applied due to the inability to enforce them in the case of a visitor, such as buying and selling
  • With regard to practices that are punishable by the regulations or that may affect the platform, its management, employees, users, or other parties related to users or their content, and what is included in systems that protect the rights of third parties such as authors, intellectual property rights, and information crimes, and it also includes non-defamation or distortion Obfuscating or transmitting information, content, works, pricing policies, using methods to pressure the platform, or using any tool, whether electronic or otherwise, to influence the platform's business or applications.
  • The platform has the full right to pursue or file a lawsuit before the courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia when any visitor violates the use of the platform other than the purposes for which it was established, or when violating the terms and conditions mentioned in the previous clause that apply to the visitor, and the platform has the full right to use the effective and effective powers In the face of any breach or damage at the level of its management, employees, users, or any other parties related to the platform or its parties.


Register on the platform:

  • The user must reach the legal age of 18 years when registering on the platform.
  • You must register with the platform to benefit from the services and applications of the platform, and this cannot be done without the registration process.
  • The registration process requires data and documents for the commercial activity that the user is engaged in, and all requirements must be valid.
  • When registering with the platform, the word user is applied to each individual, company, limited liability companies, government agency, association, project or entity that carried out the registration process, or one of its employees, agents, or whoever is legally authorized to do so on his behalf.
  • You must not register with pseudonyms or impersonate personalities, data or other entities present on or outside the platform that do not belong to the real user in any legal or legal connection, or he is not entitled to represent the person whose identity or data is impersonated, or fake or non-updated data has been exploited for an agency or authorization granted to him By the entity that previously revoked the authorizations and permits granted to him, which authorizes him to practice some or all of its activities on behalf, or he infringed on its intellectual rights and attributed them to him without any legal justification for that.
  • The user agrees to provide the information required of him in the correct form and the correct values and in accordance with the official documents that allow the user to practice or engage in the activity authorized upon registration, or what is requested of information, data or documents regarding the products that the seller offers or sells within Platform .
  • As long as the user is in an active state and his account with the platform has not been terminated, he must provide any information, documents or data that are requested or that must be updated by the platform management in the future and submitted to the platform whenever he is requested to do so, and the user or his delegate must respond to the requests of the platform management in the future without any delay or stall.
  • When creating an account, you agree to all policies, terms and conditions of the platform.
  • The platform has the right not to accept or reject the registration without giving any reasons or justifications for this refusal, and the approval process is subject to the discretion of the platform management.
  • The platform has the right, at any time, to change the policies, terms, conditions, and laws regulating dealings within the platform, or to change, cancel, or add any services or fees, or make any change in any aspect of the platform, according to our current or future discretion. Applying changes or modifications, or receiving or benefiting from the services of the platform, he agrees to these terms, amendments, or updates, and he is not entitled to object after that.
  • Any modifications, changes, additions, or any change that may occur to the terms and conditions of the platform, users will be notified of it to the maximum extent that allows for that through notifications, sending e-mail, or placing them in the section designated for them within the platform, and the user must continuously follow up, update the site, and review regularly Continuing on these pages to see any development that may occur in the future regarding any change or update to the terms and conditions
  • The registered numbers of the user's bank accounts must follow the system of the registered entity and not be affiliated with any other entities or other persons that are not identical to the registered entity.


Registration data on the platform:

  • Provide basic user data:
  1. First name (required)
  2. last name (required)
  3. Email (required)
  4. Password (required)
  5. Confirm password (required)
  6. country (required)
  7. city (required)
  8. street
  9. Building
  10. Google Map link - the site

  • Submission of registration data to sellers (inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) - all required data and documents are submitted on the registration page and they must be valid:
  1. In the case of individuals:

National identity number or residence, with the document attached

known link

A brief mention of the activity or service that will be provided to the platform and its users

  1. In the case of institutions and companies:

Commercial registration number with attached document

The identity number of the owner of the commercial register or (the company's manager for companies) with the document attached

VAT registration certificate number with attached document

The date of registration for VAT

  1. In the case of factories and laboratories:

Commercial registration number with attached document

The identity number of the owner of the commercial register or (the company's manager for companies) with the document attached

License number (according to activity requirements) with the document attached

VAT registration certificate number with attached document

The date of registration for VAT

  • Providing bank account data for sellers (inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) - all data is submitted on the registration page and must be valid:
  1. The name of the bank account holder – identical to the name recorded in the commercial register of the institution, company, or factory, or the national identification number or residence
  2. Select the name of the bank from the list of options.
  3. The account number in the bank
  4. International bank account number (IBAN)

  • Provide the data of the person authorized to follow the account - the data of the person who owns the same account can be included in order to communicate with him:
  1. the name
  2. Mobile number
  3. E-mail
  • In some cases, and if necessary, a copy of the IBAN may be requested on the bank documents or a copy of the bank's account card
  • In some cases, and if necessary, a written permission may be requested from the entity registered on its official documents to provide the data of the person authorized to account with the document being certified by the Chamber of Commerce.
  • In some cases, you may request information about the authorized person, national identity or residence, a copy of the national identity card or residence,
  • In the event that some data or documents were entered incorrectly, or some information was unintentionally wrong by the customer and it was discovered by the customer within 24 hours of entering the data or documents, he has the right to remedy that by informing us via e-mail b2b@yejei.com in case he did not We approve it, and when this is discovered after approval, he can inform us at the same mail shown or via the account information page in the user's control panel.
  • The user must update all types of his data and documents continuously and follow up with the management of the platform, and the user must provide data and documents whenever the platform management requests that.
  • Some individual or institutional activities may require special, temporary or periodic permits, certificates or special documents to be practiced, and in the event that such permits, certificates or documents may be requested to practice this type of profession or activity through the platform.
  • We have the right to carry out verification processes upon registration, during the period of using the platform, periodically, or if necessary, and the user or his delegates have no right to object or violate that.


User obligations:

  • The user is committed to the maximum extent of responsibility in securing his access to his account, preserving the privacy of his access to the account, restricting access to it, and not disclosing to any party the password of the account except within the limits of the persons authorized by the account owner in writing or verbally.
  • The user bears full responsibility for any activities that are carried out through the account or their delegates, which are carried out under the user's account name and password.
  • The user shall immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of his password or account, or any violation of the standards and controls of using the account securely.
  • The user is obligated to provide adequate, real and clear information about himself and about the uses and activities he engages in through the account, and if it becomes clear later that there are hidden activities, manipulation or harm to other users or the platform or parts thereof or individuals or employees or causing damage or loading the platform Excessive action will be taken by the platform management towards the user.
  • The mail used for registration must be effective and e-mail messages can be received through it to confirm registration or to receive data, messages, matters related to platform management and notices.
  • The seller's own identifier must be chosen, which will be a symbol for him and his knowledge among other users (sellers or buyers), and it must be as follows:
  1. The identifier should be in English
  2. The identifier should not be a direct or indirect imitation of other identifiers for other users on the platform.
  3. The identifier should not be foreign to the user's name or not symbolize him or his activity at all.
  4. The identifier should not be too long and contain incomprehensible symbols.
  5. The identifier should not clearly indicate matters that are contrary to regulations, customs, or traditions, or that it belittles races, provokes strife, or carries an abnormal characteristic.
  6. The identifier should not be indicative or quote common names, or not indicate any connection to the commercial activity for which it was established.
  7. The identifier should not be contrary to religion or bear names of religious, national, political or ideological symbols, or be used to insinuate, cast doubt or detract from people or groups of society.
  8. That the identifier bears in part well-known abbreviations and does not carry incomprehensible abbreviations, for example for the well-known abbreviations: Est, Agr, Ind


Platform Obligations:

  • The platform is committed to providing the maximum service and readiness of the platform around the clock and ensuring that it works as much as possible on the Internet to enable users to benefit from the service around the clock
  • Providing customer service to users at specific working hours next to the contact numbers.
  • Providing means for inquiries, communication, complaints and suggestions.
  • Pay the sellers’ dues periodically and according to the agreed sales cycle, after deducting the dues, commissions and any costs incurred by the seller for the platform, which are collected directly by the platform from the buyers within a specified period (see the sales policy)
  • Assistance in providing shipping companies and transporting parcels and orders, which facilitate and complete the transfer of goods from buyers to sellers in the event of prepayment.
  • Assistance in providing shipping companies, transporting parcels and orders to buyers, and collecting the value of orders sold from buyers to the platform in the event of payment upon receipt.


Seller penalties:

1- Preliminary warning

2- Final warning

3- Comment

4- Cancel

Alert the seller about the error for the first time

Warning the seller of the error for the second time, as he was previously warned

Suspension of the seller’s membership until he restores the situation to what it was before committing a violation of a set of terms or provisions or one of them, or failing to implement a specific commitment

Cancellation of the seller’s membership permanently as a result of non-compliance with one or more of the terms or provisions agreed upon on the platform or his violation of one or more of the items stipulated in the terms and conditions or the bodies regulating the work of the e-commerce sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Duration: 10 working days from the previous event

Duration: 5 working days from the previous event

Duration: 3 business days from the previous event

Duration: 30 business days from the previous event

In the event of non-response, it will move to the next penalties

In the event of non-response, it will move to the next penalties

In the event of non-response, it will move to the next penalties

In case of non-response, membership will be cancelled

Cases that require it:

  1. Failure to provide the platform management with registration documents or data previously requested from the seller
  2. Existence of strange activities on the part of the seller during his presence or use of the services of the platform in the event that it did not stop, for example: adding and deleting products that are listed frequently, delaying for a long time in responding to customer inquiries and messages.
  3. The emergence of repeated complaints from users about the seller's dealings or his non-compliance with the deadlines for shipment or the implementation of orders.
  4. Non-compliance with the site's instructions and the validity of the seller's page information, data, communication with him, and communication times.
  5. Creating quarrels, dealing loosely and in an unbalanced manner, or assaulting other users with obscene words or improper or vulgar descriptions.
  6. Displaying products that do not conform or are not displayed in their true form, in whole or in part, from the product that was presented to the buyer.
  7. Violating or affecting the content rights of the site.
  8. If the seller has not used the account for 45 days
  9. Manipulating prices and undertaking practices to mislead or harm other sellers

Cases that require it:

  1. Not transferring the amounts due to the platform from the commissions collected by the seller
  2. Failure to disclose the representative or his data, or failure to comply with the request of an official document certified by the seller about the representative and his data
  3. Offering products that the user does not own or does not have the right to legally dispose of and sell them to other users
  4. Violation of the trademark rights of users within the platform or for any party inside or outside the platform that has filed a complaint against the user with documents proving its entitlement to do so.
  5. Creating fictitious buyers accounts in order to manipulate or delude sellers by creating demand or knowing prices and offers of other sellers.
  6. Making fictitious price offers by agreement between more than one seller in order to mislead or pass bids or delude the party to which the offers are submitted with the multiplicity of prices or offers submitted.
  7. Making price offers and not adhering to them when contracting.
  8. In the event that it is discovered that a seller is selling a product with a limited expiration date and the product has consumed more than 50% of its validity period, or the expiration date is less than 18 months.

Cases that require it:

  1. Transfer of the user's account access rights, access method, or password to another unauthorized person, entity, or organization.
  2. When desiring and requesting a partial or complete change of the activity registered with the platform.
  3. Number (three reports) by a user or several users about the seller's non-compliance with the terms of sale or contract within (less than) 30 days.
  4. Forcing, deluding, or putting pressure on other users to respond to the user outside the framework of the platform.
  5. Executing sales operations to customers from inside the platform outside the platform, enticing them with discounts, or giving preferences and advantages for dealing outside the platform.
  6. In the event that a violation is committed by the user, its timing or the period of respite for the violator with the first and final warnings may cause errors or significant damages, and the user’s account must be suspended, not terminated.
  7. Passing products that are not completely identical to what is mentioned in the product information that the seller wrote down in his account with the approval of the seller and the buyer together, and the return period is calculated as a period of proof of that, and the penalty is applied to both parties.

Cases that require it:

  1. In the event that the seller wants to cancel his account without giving reasons or reasons of his own.
  2. Using the account to engage in illegal activities, fraudulent activities, unauthorized activities, or activities not agreed to be practiced on the platform.
  3. Using the account to engage in activities not agreed upon when registering on the platform
  4. When requesting account cancellation by official authorities or in implementation of a judicial or commercial procedure by governmental or national agencies authorized by law to issue this.
  5. In the event of non-response or response during one of the previous penalties, the penalty shall be transferred to cancellation directly, with the exception of the period of vacations or official holidays in the country from the period of the penalty.
  6. Repeating for the second time after penalizing a seller by carrying out sales operations to customers from inside the platform outside the platform, or enticing them with discounts, or giving preferences and advantages for dealing outside the platform.
  7. In the event that the user commits a violation that requires the termination of his account, or if he commits serious errors or manipulation, he loses the users’ confidence in the user or affects the reputation of the platform.

For example: the user (seller) commits an offense: price manipulation and practices to mislead or harm other sellers

(1) A report of the violation is made and sent to the violating user

(2) If the user does not respond or remove the violation within 10 working days of the report, an (initial warning) will be sent.

(3) If the user does not respond or remove the violation after the initial warning within 5 working days, a (final warning) will be sent.

(4) If the user does not respond or remove the violation after the final warning within 3 working days, the user’s account will be suspended.

(5) If the user does not respond or remove the violation during the account suspension period, which extends up to 30 days, the user’s account will be canceled.



Warranties, undertakings and representations:

  • The user guarantees full compliance and continuation of work in accordance with the terms, conditions and laws applicable within the platform.
  • The user guarantees full compliance and continues to work in accordance with the laws, regulations, and regulations governing e-commerce, legislative or economic systems, information crime systems, or any system or regulation organizing or related to this field within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The user guarantees compliance with the legislation related to the laws of privacy, content, product and sale within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The User has the full powers and capacity to contract in accordance with the terms of use contained in the Terms and Conditions.
  • The user falls legally and directly under the government regulations, laws and regulations to which the platform is subject.
  • The user’s registration with the platform and his submission to its terms and conditions does not conflict with the laws, agreements and other contracts that the user concluded or was a party to outside the platform and does not exempt or cancel them or affect their work legally.
  • If the user creates an account or uses it on behalf of the entity with which he works and with a verbal or written authorization between them, then the user is authorized to act on behalf of the entity that authorized him or delegated him, which is the guarantor of compliance with the terms and conditions, and the account is considered the property of this entity and under its management.
  • When the user benefits from the services provided by the platform towards him, he is not entitled to violate any of the rights towards parties inside or outside the platform or anywhere in the world, whether for products or content provided or included, whether the rights are registered or not within the space designated for the user. display or use it.
  • The user agrees not to copy, reproduce, publish, sell, distribute or resell any information, text, media, images, graphics, manuals, customer data, rules, ratings, content related to the platform, customer contact data or anything that may or With regard to the management of the platform or the communication data of the platform’s employees or customers, all of the above the user acknowledges not to transfer outside the platform or to any parties from outside it or to any other users who are not authorized to view it.
  • The seller acknowledges that he is registered on the platform and that he accepts its terms and conditions that the services provided to him by the platform on its current condition and in the form in front of it, or the services that may be added or developed in the future, are provided without guarantees, undertakings or representations and abandon the platform, its management, its employees and affiliated entities It or its operators or agents in all its forms, whether express or implied, have any warranties or undertakings of the following:
  1. The validity of the content for commercial purposes, its suitability for specific or general purposes, or that it does not violate any rights.
  2. That our services are safe or free of malfunctions or defects or that they were stopped for reasons of updating, auditing, revision and maintenance.
  3. The services will be provided in a timely manner as planned.
  4. The description of the product, its content, any other content, or any service is accurate, complete, or reliable.
  5. Absence of technical, technical, spelling, or linguistic errors, errors resulting from human effort, lack of scrutiny, or grammatical errors that may carry meanings other than what they were written for.
  6. The decision to punish any other user within the platform against whom the user or a group of users files a complaint within the platform is left to the management of the platform, and he is not entitled to object to the platform’s decisions or rulings issued by it, or to interfere in its workflow or its competencies, or to file a complaint with the competent authorities about its decisions and for the user. The right to use the dispute resolution policy within the platform and work accordingly with what is necessary and obliges the opposing parties to resolve the dispute through the platform or through the relevant parties and jurisdiction.
  7. The platform tries as much as possible to control the content and be accurate in exercising supervision and monitoring activities on the content provided by it or from the rest of the users, but it does not guarantee accuracy in describing the content, its components, its formulation, or the written specifications of the product for other customers within the platform.
  8. Any damages resulting from the privacy of data transferred from one user to another as a result of the breach of another user with whom he was dealt, or the provision of services or dealings with him, or any communication that took place between the user and the other as a result of negligence, infringement, desire to influence, or for any reason made by the user who violated that.
  9. Handing over the product to the private carrier contracting with the platform by the seller after approving the buyer's request is an acknowledgment by the seller to accept the shipment of the product to the buyer.
  10. Any practice of the platform with regard to penalties, suspension or restriction does not entail any compensation or rights in the amounts that the seller may pay regarding specific subscription amounts or any fees that may be imposed on some or all of the services and he is not entitled to claim them if one of them is applied Penalties .

  • The buyer acknowledges by registering on the platform and accepting its terms and conditions that the services provided to him by the platform on its current condition and in the form presented to it, or the services that may be added or may occur in the future, are provided without guarantees, undertakings or representations and abandon the platform, its management, its employees and affiliated entities It or its operators or agents in all its forms, whether express or implied, have any warranties or undertakings of the following:
  1. The platform is not responsible for any content, specifications, values, or anything related to product information or its page. When you discover this, please inform us via e-mail b2b@yejei.com
  2. The platform is not responsible for any information of other users, such as addresses, numbers, or their data, which is published or placed in the user's profile, as long as there is an acknowledgment of the validity of that by them.
  3. In the event that the product is not available to the seller, the buyer has no right to object to that.
  4. In the event that the seller accepts the request and then rejects it with or without giving any reasons from the seller, the buyer has no right to object to that unless the amount was paid by the payment gateway or direct bank transfer to the platform and the product was not received or sent to the buyer, either in the case of payment upon receipt The product will only be shipped by the carrier with the consent of the seller when it is delivered to the carrier, and neither the platform nor the seller bears any legal or commercial responsibility, obligation or compensation for that.
  5. In the event that the product was shipped to the buyer by the carrier within the period permitted by law and agreed upon by the two parties (the seller and the buyer) or the period exceeded 15 days from the date of acceptance of the request and the conclusion of the contract by the seller - unless there are compelling circumstances that prevent that or the two parties have agreed On another new period - and after that the buyer refused to receive it or canceled the order without reasons for that refusal or cancellation, so the buyer has the right to recover the amounts that were paid only (in the case of prepayment) and he is not entitled to claim any compensation for any effects resulting from that delay or any other matters As a consequence of not receiving the product.


Liability and compensation:

  • In these terms and conditions, it is not possible in any way or under any circumstance, circumstances, or justifications to mislead, deceive, deceive, or deceive one party over another, whatever the motives, and none of the users has the right to practice that within the platform directly or indirectly towards users others, and the platform does not bear any consequences, effects, or compensation for one or all of the parties as a result, and there is nothing to prevent or reveal that in advance as a result of it being actions that arise from intentions, desires, and planning that cannot be realized or disclosed proactively, but the management of the platform and in The most you can allow and reach to limit these practices will be done.
  • The platform, its management, employees, officials, contracting companies, affiliates, agents or suppliers shall not bear any damages or breaches as a result of negligence or breaches of the terms of use based on a lawsuit or a claim in the contract or any other damages, and it is not responsible and does not bear any Claims related to loss of profits, loss of data or information, work malfunctions, financial losses, or direct, incidental or special damages, even if we have been notified of that.
  • The platform is not responsible and shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damages, losses, misuse or other uses of the following:
  1. Content or information you provide when you use our Services
  2. Inability to use the platform
  3. Wrong use of the platform
  4. You did not follow the instructions provided by us correctly
  5. Viruses or malware that you may get access to as a result of your use of the Platform
  6. Malfunctions that may arise in the platform or the presence of errors, inaccuracies or language problems.
  7. Damage to the User's Products as a result of the User's use of downloadable products, media or products purchased through the Platform.
  8. Penalties that may be issued against the user as a result of his violation of some terms or conditions, such as suspension or termination of membership.
  9. The length of time your listings or products may appear in search.
  10. The period of time that may be required for review and acceptance of the product by the platform management.
  11. The inability to conduct commercial activity through the platform as a result of updating or changing the current terms or conditions.
  • The user agrees, as a result of his acceptance of the terms and conditions of the platform, to indemnify the platform, its management, employees, officials, contracting companies, affiliates, agents or suppliers against any damages, losses or expenses (including legal fees and lawyers’ fees and costs) and any Additional losses resulting from or resulting from this, as well as claims arising from:
  1. Violation of one or more of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and in respect of warranties, representations and representations.
  2. Any claim or demand made by a third party as a result of your use of the platform services.
  3. Violation of applicable laws and regulations, terms and conditions of the site in relation to data protection and anti-spam laws
  4. How to use the services and the content that you publish.
  5. Violation of the intellectual property rights of others, whether inside or outside the platform.
  6. Violation of the user's content to the norms and the use of obscene words or contain libels or satire or defamation or violation of other rights such as privacy rights.


Seller Policies and Terms:

  • The seller has the right to set its own policy for each of (replacement and return policy, sales policy, shipping policy)
  • In the event that any of the provisions of these policies of the seller conflict with the terms and conditions of the platform, the terms and conditions of the platform shall be enforceable and preceded by the terms, policies and conditions of the seller.
  • These policies, terms and conditions are located within the seller's page only.
  • The policies and provisions of the seller assigned to him must not apply to the policies, terms and conditions of the platform in most of the items.
  • The seller can take advantage of the policies and provisions specified in what is available to him to restrict or support that from the platform tools, for example: some products are not available for payment upon receipt.
  • Developing policies for discounts, offering or promoting in a discount manner or stimulating sales.
  • Develop policies for new goods or liquidation of quantities.
  • It is not permissible for the seller in the policies and provisions to set less time periods than allowed to ensure that there is no conflict with the terms and conditions, for example: in the event that the return period is a maximum of three days from the time of delivery in the terms and conditions of the platform, the seller is not entitled to specify a period of time less than this period
  • It is not permissible for the seller in the policies and provisions to set more time periods than allowed to ensure that there is no conflict with the terms and conditions, for example: if the period of delivery of the application is a maximum of 15 days from the time of approving the application in the terms and conditions of the platform, the seller is not entitled Determining a period of time longer than this period, but the following classifications are excluded from this and at the discretion of the seller:
  1. Custom-made products that may take longer to manufacture.
  2. Products with high demand, whose entry into the implementation phase may take a longer period.
  3. Large quantities, which may take longer to transport.
  4. Products that take a longer period of time to be shipped or transported as a result of weights or shipping method, or that require specific shipping methods, or that are shipped at specific dates or times, or designated transport vehicles.
  5. The quantities that are requested from the supplier and he imports them according to the demand.
  6. Products that depend on raw materials that are specially manufactured to order.
  7. Products based on molds, films or elastomers for custom manufacturing
  8. Products that depend on raw materials are not always available in the market.
  • The seller must be specific and accurate in explaining his policies.
  • The seller must implement all the policies that he writes on his page in accordance with the terms, conditions, and policies of the platform.
  • In the event that the seller does not put any policies or provisions of his own on his page, this is considered as an agreement to enforce and adopt the terms and conditions of the platform only as a policy and conditions for the seller.
  • The seller must put the date of writing each of these policies, and the date recorded is the date of enforcement and application of this policy.


Suspension, termination and review:

  • The platform has the right to suspend or terminate your account and stop or restrict your access to it
  • The platform has the right to cancel the order of any of the products for the seller or the buyer, and any amounts paid and received in this regard will be refunded.
  • The platform has the right to delete any content provided by the seller, according to what the platform deems or is estimated.
  • Exercising or taking any kind of penalties such as suspension, termination, restriction or deletion by the platform does not entail any compensation to the user from amounts or fees paid to the platform by the seller as a result of using the platform.


Applicable law:

These terms and conditions and other non-contractual rights and obligations are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



Conflict Resolution :

Disputes are resolved through a special dispute resolution policy (see sale policy)



Rights and parties to the agreement:

  • The person or entity that is not and cannot be a part of these Terms of Use does not have/have any right to enforce or be bound by any of its terms and conditions.
  • All parties to this agreement are considered independent parties, and there is no overlap in the relationship, whether as partners, agents, or any other characteristics.


Waivers and Modifications:

  • The user agrees that he is not entitled to assign his account or transfer the terms and conditions of use or any other rights or duties resulting from his acceptance of the terms and conditions of the platform to any other party, directly or indirectly, except with a written permission from the management of the platform.
  • The platform reserves the right to amend any provision of this agreement by changing, adding or completing the terms of use at any time, and the platform will publish it on the platform and it is considered valid since it was placed on the platform.


Text independence:

If any part, text, phrase or clause of the clauses is considered canceled by a competent court or illegal or unapplicable, then this clause of the conditions is canceled and the rest of the terms and conditions continue to work, and the rest of the terms are valid as long as the legal and economic essence remains. The transactions concluded under its terms remain valid without any effect on the parties thereto.



The agreement in its entirety:

All documents, terms, terms, and conditions agreed upon and listed on the platform represent the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the subject matter of the agreement and are above all other written or oral agreements, negotiations, or representations related to the subject matter of the agreement.



the majeure force :

Neither party shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay, or non-fulfillment arising as a result of, or in no way foreseeable, actions beyond the control, control or control of our liability, whether such action could have been foreseen or not.




The waiver of any of the terms or conditions is not considered a waiver of any other similar or dissimilar provision or provisions and is not considered a final or continuing waiver unless we mention that.



continuity of access:

All provisions which are stated to survive or by their nature survive termination or contract termination shall remain in effect after termination or suspension of your membership of the Site.



Inconsistency in translation:

This agreement applies to the terms and conditions and all the details in the Arabic language. In the event that the Arabic version of it conflicts with any other versions to translate it, the Arabic version of it is the reference and the basis for any dispute related to that.



privacy policy



Data collection :

  • User data or information is collected in various ways.
  • Information provided by the User to the Platform:
  1. In the event that you are a representative of one of the users, you will be asked to provide certain contact information necessary to register or activate the account on behalf of the user benefiting from the service, including contact information, data, or proof of authorization of the actual user or the entity that registered and authorized its representative.
  2. In the event that you are an employee of one of the users, you will be asked to provide certain contact information necessary to register or activate the account on behalf of the user benefiting from the service, including contact information, data, or proof of the employer’s authorization, proof of the business relationship, or a letter from the employer to whom he works as The actual user of the account.
  3. In some or cases, one of our employees may, through the official means of communication of the platform, request or provide information about your business or some of your documents, documents and licenses that prove certain cases or conditions for your business.
  4. In some or cases, one of our employees may, through the official means of communication of the platform, request or provide information about the products, activities, sales and transactions that you are or will conduct through the platform.
  5. In the event that you are a buyer, you may be contacted or asked for evaluations, responses, an answer, or any information about the sellers that you have dealt with, or any other matters that the administration may have to know about the buyer or any other data about him, or to evaluate the experience.
  6. In the event that you are a buyer and your comments on products and sellers have high impact, credibility and dependence on them, you may be contacted by the platform management, and we may collect the data and content that you provide from texts, images, videos, comments, profile pictures and social media accounts.
  7. In the event that you are a buyer, you may be asked for information related to facilitating purchases, and this information is related to the credit card, security code, validity dates, bank accounts, invoices, checks, remittances or delivery, in addition to any information that may relate to the sale process such as products, prices, tracking information and all What would facilitate the purchase process or collect information for the purpose of ascertaining the activities of the seller and buyer.
  8. In the event of disputes between users, whether sellers and buyers, or between sellers, some information and documents that support the claims of each party may be requested, and we will handle this dispute, whatever the reasons behind it, and users must respond to the platform’s requests for settlement and handling of the complaint, and their agreement to register in The platform agrees to provide the platform with all the information and documents required when any dispute or complaint occurs between all parties.
  9. The information that users send to the platform for the purpose of publishing will be available to everyone and then to all Internet users and they can access it.
  • Information collected automatically by the platform:
  1. In the event that the user communicates with the platform or its customer service department, or through social and postal media, or chat, we may record a copy of your correspondence, and additional information may be requested in order to verify the user and the reasons for communication.
  2. We will collect information from publicly available sources about contact information and data about users to verify and sponsor users.
  3. We will collect information about the user's activities within the platform, transactions, activities, and everything related to that, such as selling, buying, products, content, or correspondence within the platform, or any other matters that the user may perform within the platform.
  4. We will collect information about current or potential users for the purposes of promotions and important events and in connection with jobs, contact names, phone numbers, addresses and e-mail.
  5. In the case of a visitor or user, technical information will be collected about the device from which you are browsing, the country in which you are browsing, the type of device, the type of browser, its IP, and personal information in accordance with the applicable data protection laws, and this may include all data, including your browsing patterns and your interaction with the platform It may be of a statistical type, such as the number of visitors, the rate of visits, operating systems, types of devices, and the volume of data. It also includes the pages that the user or visitor visits, the number of sessions, and unique visitors. Cookies are used in this.
  • Information we collect from third parties:
  1. We may use the social media platforms through which you register your account with our platform, which includes general and basic profile information, including: username, surname, profile picture, country, employer name and contact details.
  2. We may receive personal information about you from parties with which we participate to help provide customer verification services and their bank or credit accounts to know customers, including knowing basic information such as name, phone or mobile number, e-mail, business entity details, and contact information for business representatives or vendors .
  3. Information that we may receive from parties working with us as part of our marketing efforts or improving performance, such as those that conduct surveys, statistics, and surveys about customer opinions and the extent of satisfaction with services and use of the site.


Use of data and information:

  • Knowing customers, verifying users' backgrounds and accounts, security procedures, and limiting anti-money laundering operations.
  • Verify the eligibility of the user to register on the platform in accordance with the terms of use of the platform.
  • For the work of developing accounts, managing user accounts, and setting up and organizing operations.
  • For the purposes of customer and user support and claims management.
  • For the purposes of managing disputes and complaints.
  • Facilitate communication between users, buyers and sellers, and process settlements and payments.
  • Facilitating logistics, sales and after-sales services.
  • Promotion and advertising of user products and the platform.
  • Assess the monitoring of account security and transaction risks and detect fraud or illegal uses.
  • Contribute to providing advanced services in marketing and planning the marketing process in proportion to the information we collect about the public, visitors and users.
  • Statistical analysis of market needs and research.
  • We offer products that we realize, according to the information we collect about you through cookies, that you need them the most.
  • We use your information for the purposes of digital and non-digital archiving, research or statistics in a way that does not contradict data protection laws.


Disclosure and sharing of information with the following parties:

  • We disclose some information and data to other users for the purposes of facilitating purchases and communication between the seller and the buyer, without harming the privacy of both parties.
  • We disclose to third parties, business companies, service providers or partners to us the processing of personal information for the purposes of informing the user at the time of collection of that data and information.
  • We provide information about you to other users to help the user (buyer or seller) take advantage of offers or discounts.
  • Marketing and advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram may share data and analyzes of user behavior with us in order to customize content for the target groups and beneficiaries from it, and these platforms, in a participatory way, collect information from our platform and other platforms and analyze it in a way that makes advertising more targeted and targeted. These activities are subject to the privacy policies of those platforms and not to our platform's privacy policy.
  • Payment gateways and providers who process personal information to help settle payments for transactions, process orders and withdrawals of sellers, match the information listed with the truth, and detect fraud or theft that may occur on credit cards. These operations are subject to the privacy policy of these providers and not to the privacy policy of our platform.
  • Providers of credit risk services and whether sellers can withdraw their funds.
  • Partners providing delivery and logistical services to deliver buyers' requests, return and exchange their products, and transport services.
  • Customs agents for customs clearance purposes, especially for requests outside the borders.
  • Cloud storage service providers and hosting service providers.
  • Providers of customer services, after-sales services and maintenance, or partners who provide us with customer care services and contribute to their service.
  • Providers of information security and risk assessment services on the platform, which contribute to enhancing the security and accounts of users within the platform whenever necessary.
  • Information can be provided to all bodies, organizations, ministries, government agencies, consultants, arbitrators, jurists, lawyers, and agencies concerned with the enforcement of all laws to which the platform is subject, whether executive or judicial, or related to cases of suspected activity of any user from those authorities, in a manner that ensures Protecting our legal, financial and intellectual interests before all legal authorities in the event that the opponent in the case of the seller or buyer does not comply with any of our rights guaranteed by law in enforcement or litigation, or in cases of defending any of the users of the platform or his interests, where we may disclose any personal information And transfer it in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and systems and allow it.
  • To anyone you consent to disclose information to.
  • In some cases, anonymous and anonymous information may be provided to third parties and when provided, it is non-identifying information and your personal identity is not identified.


Data retention:

  • According to the laws and regulations, personal information is kept according to the relationship and the contract that was concluded between the user and the platform by undertaking the registration process.
  • Users’ information and data are kept and stored by one of our employees, agents, or partners outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via cloud storage or through our own servers with our partners and those working for us outside the Kingdom, and they are fully managed by us and subject to protection by these partners and service providers.
  • Users' personal information and data are preserved as long as the user does not terminate the contractual relationship and terminate his account with us, whether the user terminates or is terminated by the platform for violating the terms and conditions of use.
  • We archive information and data for the purposes for which it was kept and continue to be stored with us, while preserving the rights of the parties not to use or disclose them for purposes other than those for which they are disclosed or used.
  • In the event that the user takes the procedures for terminating the contractual relationship with the platform, the platform has the right to keep that data and information for a period of no less than 3 years.
  • We keep the data for the purposes of protecting the contractual relationship with the parties with whom the user entered into contracts during the period of use or for the purposes of information that may be requested in the future for the purposes of protecting customers and users or providing after-sales services that the seller had included during the contract.
  • In the event that we do not have a contractual relationship linking the user to the platform or it has been terminated by us, the storage of user data in our archive remains isolated from any processing operations unless it is deleted.


Chat and Tracking Technologies:

  • We may use tracking technologies within the platform to identify users or visitors, visit times, pages they follow, or browsing patterns, all by means of cookies.
  • We may put links to communicate through social networking applications such as Facebook or WhatsApp for quick inquiries, and the link transfers the user or visitor directly to the application, and this may be done by simply pressing the button without a sign or alert for approval after pressing the button.
  • We may establish links to communicate with customer service and direct chat, and it may contain automated and directed response techniques to speed up solutions for users or visitors, and the visitor or user can talk to them, often through a third party or one of the providers of those services for our platform.


Security procedures and measures:

  • In the event that a minor (less than 18 years old) provides information about his parents or one of them without their consent, the parents or guardian must contact us to remove that information.
  • We take all security measures as required to protect users' data and to ensure the correct use of the information we hold.
  • The user is allowed, within the limits of some information and data that he shares with other users or visitors, to identify the user, and it is displayed within the platform or on the user’s page, such as the name, the name of the entity he represents, the nature of the activity, the type of products offered, the products offered through him, and some information about the entity he represents.
  • Our staff will never ask you for any information about entering your account, such as a password or other information, while you may be asked for some information to match and confirm your ownership of this account, for example, a phone number.
  • If the computer or mobile device through which you log into your account with our platform, please ensure that you log out after completing the use of the account to ensure that your account with us is not illegally used and to avoid uses that are not made by the actual user of the account.
  • We cannot guarantee the safety of the transmission of information and data over the Internet or wireless networks, and because we protect data and information and save them in order to protect user privacy, we cannot at the same time guarantee the security of any data or information that the user sends to us and the user does so at his own risk.


Update or change the terms:

When we update the terms and conditions regarding the privacy policy, we will take the appropriate measures and changes, and we may update the privacy policy from time to time in response to any change that may occur legally or commercially, and we will take your consent based on the changes if you agree to continue as a user of our platform based on these changes, and you will become These changes are effective as soon as they are published, and when publishing any change to any of the site's policies, this will be noted on the policies and conditions page.



Legal grounds for handling your data:

  • The need to deal and collect data to provide services to users according to this data in order to be able to use the platform and provide users with what they request through the platform.
  • The need to collect data upon registration for the purposes of compliance and user compliance with laws, accounting and auditing, and for disclosure to the competent authorities to implement provisions and laws.
  • The need to collect data to protect the legitimate interests of the platform towards users and preserve its rights (or the interests of a third party, if any) and the commitment of users towards it, as it is based on operating the platform and its services, managing our relations with users, communicating with them, improving and developing those services, and striving to provide more to all users.
  • The need to collect data to protect the platform's legitimate interests against fraud, fraud, or fraud, and there may be other interests that are disclosed to the user when he is asked for that information.
  • The need to collect data to protect the interests of users towards each other and to preserve the rights of the parties.
  • The need to collect data because it is one of the conditions for agreeing to accept the user on the platform.


Data transfer outside the territory:

  • Some data may be processed, stored, or dealt with with parties outside the territory that are subject to regulations that may not provide the same level of protection as those in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • However, we have to make sure that any other parties or partners we cooperate with outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia apply privacy standards and maintain confidentiality on users' information without any responsibility on the part of the platform.


User rights towards data and information:

  • The user has the right to access, update or request deletion of his personal information in a manner that does not violate the registration and approval systems within the site.
  • The user has the right to correct or rectify the information and data within 24 hours of sending it. If that period is exceeded, or the user makes any request, transaction, or benefit from the platform services, the platform services are considered effective, and the user bears any error in the data and information sent by him, and he can at the same time update That, for example: In the event that the user registered with a wrong phone number and ordered a product through the platform, we may cancel the order, then the user corrects his data, and then makes the request available to the user to re-order the product again.
  • The user has the right to unsubscribe from the platform's mailing lists or some of them.
  • The user has the right to object to the direct marketing of him or one of his products through our platforms, our means of communication, or our representatives.


Contact us :

You can contact us or send all your inquiries about the privacy of users' data to the mail: b2b@yejei.com 



Inconsistency in translation:

This agreement applies to the terms and conditions and all the details in the Arabic language. In the event that the Arabic version of it conflicts with any other versions to translate it, the Arabic version of it is the reference and the basis for any dispute related to that.


Content policy and intellectual property rights



The official materials, systems and regulations to which the platform is subject in relation to this type of terms, conditions and policies:

  • e-commerce system
  • The executive regulations of the electronic commerce system
  • Copyright protection system
  • Law (regulation) of trademarks for the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf


The difference between content and data:

  • In terms of parties: the content is shared by a party or a user to two or more users, while the data is a relationship directed from one user party to another party user or the platform, and the two may be together, and it may be with the participation of other parties or third parties.
  • In terms of publishing: the content can be published to more than two users or a specific group or to everyone, while the data is not publishable and has more privacy.
  • In terms of texts: the content may be numbers, numbers, a description, an address, or information related to a product or commodity, or information that indicates the descriptions and types of users, while the data may be the customer’s private phone numbers, record numbers, or personal data regarding private commercial data or information About inventory or any information that is not confidential to disclose.
  • In terms of media: the content may be images of products, images of buyer evaluation, or a video that expresses the product and its descriptions more accurately, while the data may be images of its records, a picture of the identity of the owner of the activity, personal images that cannot be shared, or videos belonging to the user and other users do not benefit. or its disclosure may cause harm to the user's privacy.
  • In terms of validity: the content extends its validity for short periods, or its validity period may be related to other determinants such as the product, pros or cons, and is subject to update or change, while data extends its validity to long periods, so it is closely related to persons, entities, or entities, and its updateability is limited For example: when the commercial license (commercial registry) expires, the user is required to update the data or update this type of data.
  • In terms of value: the content increases or decreases in value for its beneficiaries, such as sellers and buyers. The clearer the content of the product, the greater the purchaseability, while the data has an independent and fixed value for both the sending and receiving parties.
  • In terms of importance: the content may carry more importance to a user while it does not carry the same importance to another user, while the data carries the same importance to the sending and receiving parties.


Copyrights :

Everything contained in the platform, whether it is on a web browser, mobile browser, or application implicitly, available, or apparent, or on what was included, designed, created, or coordinated at the present, future, or temporary, falls under the law under copyright and authorship, and includes the following:

  • texts
  • graphics
  • Icons
  • logos
  • the pictures
  • video clips
  • audio clips
  • digital archives
  • Data collection methods
  • platform-owned applications
  • Logo and visual identity
  • auditory identity
  • Ads


Content policy:

The platform follows a content policy based on preserving the rights of the platform and all users with regard to the content shared by all parties on the platform, and users carry out a participatory process for content based on the product and its information and everything that explains its reality in terms of media, images and standards, as our policy regarding content is based on the following:

  1. The seller bears the legal and intellectual responsibility for the information and media that are added to his account on the platform, even if it is accepted and approved by the management of the platform.
  2. The approval of the platform to include a product with the information and content it contains does not mean proof and right for the seller to exercise intellectual property rights on it, nor is it evidence to prove his ownership of the content he listed.
  3. The seller must put the description, information, and media corresponding to the product that is listed, and the seller bears all the effects resulting from the non-conformity of the information, description, and media of the product in reality.
  4. The seller must adhere to placing information and media that explain the reality of the product according to the controls published by the Content Management Department (content approval). Content via e-mail, and the platform has the right, as it deems appropriate, to reject or accept the product without stating reasons.
  5. The seller, in the event that he lists some products that require disclosure and their truth or information about them, must respond to the requests of the platform management to disclose them, their composition or contents, and answer the platform’s inquiries about them to determine whether they can be approved or not.
  6. In the narrowest cases, with a specific or unspecified deadline, the seller may be allowed to place the information or media that he included that do not conform to the technical specifications in the information and media to the requirements set by the content management department and accepted by the platform management temporarily until he produces alternative content that conforms to the technical specifications of the product. In terms of information and media.
  7. The information and media that the seller adds to the catalog by means of it is an acknowledgment by the seller that the platform owns it and its right to share information and media with other sellers or promotions and marketing of the platform, and the seller or any other seller has no right to object to that.
  8. In the event that it is proven that a product has been added to the catalog and that this product violates intellectual and legal rights, trademark law, or patents, the affected seller, whether he has an account with the platform or not, must communicate with us, and the complaint will not be considered or answered unless After submitting proof through correspondence.
  9. In the event that the seller produces information about his products or the media related to the products that were entered on the platform by our content management department, the seller is not entitled to use the information or media that was produced for a paid amount or for free except within the limits of his account and to manage the platform represented by the content management department. Intellectual property right And the right to protect the author in case of violation
  10. In the event that the quantity entered by the seller is exhausted, the product remains in the catalog until the seller updates the information and quantities of the products.
  11. The seller must continuously update the information listed, whether by updating previously added products or when listing new products, and the platform management in Egy.com is not responsible for breaches, omissions, and failure to follow up. )
  12. The seller must adhere to the minimum information required for each product, according to what the Content Management Department presents to the information required for each main or sub-category or special product.
  13. The seller must comply with the minimum media requirements for each product, according to what the Content Management Department presents for the required media, whether it is: the number of images of each product, the technical specifications of the image, the ideal angles of the image, not placing the product logo in the wrong place, placing the product image in relation to the image frame.
  14. In the event that the seller posted content that violates the general regulations and laws, or if it clearly or unclearly carries any violation or errors, or if the content indicates in one way or another to improper purposes, or it contains a call for violation, disregard for regulations, sarcasm, or legal violations of the Islamic religion or other Religions, belittling public or important figures or leaders, or indicating sexual or provocative suggestions, or calling for violence or killing, or carrying slogans or symbols that indicate directly or implicitly different matters, the administration has the right, as it deems appropriate, to stop or not approve this The content, and if it is approved as a result of individual or technical errors, the platform management is not responsible for any content of this kind, and the seller bears within the limits of his responsibility at his expense any behavior of this kind, and in the event that this is repeated, the platform management has the right to take the necessary measures or penalties within The platform and this may extend to the use of its powers and legal and intellectual rights to deter such actions.
  15. The user is not entitled to include any false or misleading materials, or cause technical or technical problems, or contribute to spreading lies, or attempt to create a state of demand as a result of false news or information, or spread rumors that contribute to creating demand or selling a commodity or service.
  16. Manipulating prices or adding features or features that do not exist or exist but do not reach the ideal or written condition.
  17. Not attaching a catalog to the product or inside the product, or selling products that do not carry inside or on their covers the method of use or components.
  18. Products that have a specific validity period must be stated at its minimum. When a product is available to the seller and carries varying quantities of validity, or more than 50% of its validity period has been exhausted, or its validity period is less than 18 months, the seller must put each product independently with an indication of the expiry date.
  19. Your submission of the content through the platform means that you have another copy of it on your computer or the device through which you sent it.
  20. We make every effort and with the utmost energy that the product appears with high accuracy and true and good color quality, but at the same time this cannot be guaranteed on your personal device, smart device or any other peripheral devices.
  21. We exert all our energies and urge our sellers to formulate the content in a way that represents the good or service as required and real, but at the same time it is not possible to guarantee that the product will live up to your expectations.


Intellectual property rights:

  • With regard to complaints: We express our strong commitment to others with regard to intellectual property rights, but we do not guarantee to any party inside or outside the platform that there will be no infringement or violation of their rights that are actually proven by official documents, copyrights, or all rights that clarify their ownership of the product, service, or trademark. In the event that one of the parties, entities, individuals, or any party believes that his intellectual property rights are being violated within our platform, he must inform us via e-mail legal@yejei.com , and no response will be given to any mail that does not do the following (explaining the incident and the limits of the infringement of your rights, Show the user who has infringed within the business platform, show what proves your ownership of what has been infringed, dated and showing all the data on it, in the case of individuals, proof of national identity is attached, in the case of establishments, a commercial registration certificate and national identity are attached together for conformity, in The case of the authorized person shows proof of his authorization to do so with the identity, writing numbers and mail of communication, a written acknowledgment of the validity of what was stated in the description of the incident or violation and the validity of the information that was attached)
  • The user shall not upload or include the following:
  1. Content or images that do not comply with the standards of public taste, good sense, or immoral images.
  2. Pictures, media and texts that he does not have intellectual property rights over.
  3. Any names or pictures of people without their prior permission, including public figures and celebrities.
  4. Any pictures, names, abusive or obscene comments, obscene words, defamation or defamation with or without reason.
  • The process of sorting, checking and supervising the content is subject to the platform’s own discretion in accordance with the guidelines and usage policy and what happens later.
  • The owner continues his right to own the content even if the user has included the content within the platform, and this use does not imply the user's entitlement or transfer of ownership to him.
  • Inclusion or transfer of content to the platform means an acknowledgment by the user of the right of the platform to exercise, use and use copies or the listed version of the content, distribute, modify and disclose it to others about any content that the user uploads on our platform, and we have the right to practice marketing, promotion and advertising on it and it is considered This is truly one of our irrevocable rights.
  • Products that violate intellectual property rights, their sellers are dealt with severely and strictly, as dealing in this type of practice does not depend on the product, but the seller may be subject to penalties that may reach termination, especially in the event that the content is not identical to the commodity offered to the buyer, whether text or implication. (Example: for the seller to write in the product information that it is original and is in fact counterfeit, another example: for the seller to put a picture of the original product and upon receipt the buyer discovers that it is not original)
  • Intellectual property rights do not conflict with the product provided to buyers being sound, even if the product is original or the seller owns the intellectual property right over it, so it must be delivered properly.
  • The user (the seller) bears any claims or disputes regarding intellectual property rights, and the platform and its employees, officials, or agents bear no responsibility towards that dispute, and the costs of the dispute may extend to all claims, including attorney’s costs, damages, losses, and all types of costs that may be decided by the competent authorities. or claimed by the affected.
  • The user (the seller) shall bear all damages, costs, and losses that may affect the platform and its reputation as a result of violating intellectual property laws with us.


Trademark rights:

  • The seller must abide by the laws and regulations for the protection of trademark rights. The seller cannot continue with an account within the platform unless he complies with those laws that preserve the rights of all parties.
  • Also, the platform cannot be a party, directly or indirectly, in complicity, sponsorship, or support for the exploitation and theft of trademarks, and is bound to do so according to its terms and conditions applicable to users within the platform.
  • The platform strives diligently to preserve the rights of the parties, and we welcome any complaints regarding that, and at the same time it will not practice any kind of control of these violations unless complaints or laws are issued that oblige the party infringing on those rights to correct that and for the parties that see that one of our users has By violating this by contacting us via e-mail legal@yejei.com , no complaint will be considered unless it addresses the following: (Explanation of the incident and the limits of infringement of the trademark that you own, showing the user who has infringed within the Yejei.com business platform, showing proof of your ownership of the mark The trade mark on the mark that violated you is dated and all the data is indicated on it. In the case of individuals, proof of national identity shall be attached. In the case of establishments, a certificate of commercial registration and national identity shall be attached together for conformity. In the case of the authorized person, he shall show proof of his authorization to do so with the identity, in writing. Contact numbers and mail, a written acknowledgment of the validity of what was stated in the description of the incident or violation and the validity of the information that was attached)


Private messages between users:

  • All terms and conditions and content policy apply to private messages between users.
  • Users must abide by the etiquette of dialogue and negotiation, not use obscene or offensive words or words, and not belittle the other party or deal in an unacceptable manner.
  • The buyer must specify the requests accurately and mention the details and not hide or intentionally conceal any details for the purpose of enticing the seller in a price offer that does not comply with the requirements.
  • Requests must be stated accurately and clearly, such as: quantities, numbers, colors, method of delivery...etc.
  • The seller must inquire about all the items that he did not clarify from the buyer through private messages, and he is not entitled to request that by any other means.
  • Any communication process between the seller and the buyer that took place or takes place outside private messages is an acknowledgment by the two parties that the platform is not committed to any dispute that occurs between the two parties, and the platform will not be responsible for any dispute that occurs between them regarding the dispute that occurred between them.
  • In the event that a communication process is repeated between one user and another outside the platform, the platform management will suspend the account, and if it is repeated again, the account will be terminated.
  • The user is allowed to communicate with the other user within narrow limits, such as the other user's delay in responding for a period of more than two working days, and the seller can write the means of communication on his page on the site in order to display his page and prove his ownership of the activity.
  • Communication through private messages and data exchanged between the two parties is considered evidence in the event of any dispute between users, and in the event that one of the parties proves or mentions a correspondence that took place outside the platform, we will immediately withdraw from the dispute.
  • This also applies to the fact that one of the parties mentioned events that were not mentioned in the correspondence, or that the statements of the disputing parties do not match.
  • Users are not entitled to use private messages in other types of correspondence for other topics that are not related to the work of the platform or to send files or media within private messages that are not related to the work of the platform and the purpose for which it was made available.
  • Not to use private messages in any topics, dialogues or arguments that are not related to the subject of discussion under the pretext of obligating the platform to deal with the other user through private messages.
  • Private messages between users are not deleted by the user.
  • In private messages between users, write down the date and time under each message.


Ratings Policy:

  • The user must write the evaluation objectively and in a neutral manner.
  • The user must write the evaluation without any words or expressions that are unacceptable, or that contain insults, insults, insults, or reduce the value of the seller or the commodity for incorrect, exaggerated, unrealistic motives, or that contain prejudice against the seller or the commodity.
  • It is preferable to mention all the details related to the purchase process from the beginning of the negotiation to the acquisition of the commodity or service.
  • Using more accurate terms in detail and impartially without the influence of illusory or illogical motives.
  • List the pros and cons separately.
  • Refrain from using vulgar or obscene expressions or not used in their proper place.
  • The responsibility of the user not to mention problems must be mentioned, and vice versa towards the seller in the event that the resident user and the seller have a relationship outside the platform.
  • Evaluation contributes to increasing and improving the quality of service and product and helps the seller and buyer achieve mutual benefits at the lowest costs and achieve the quality required by the buyer as far as possible.
  • The seller should urge buyers to evaluate him in order to improve the product and achieve customer satisfaction.
  • The comment will be deleted in the following cases:
  1. If the comment contains offensive phrases, profanity, or words outside the limits of decency and politeness.
  2. If the comment is repeated with the same idea to increase the seller’s evaluation or to deliberately lower his evaluation.
  3. If the comment contains an inaccurate description, goes outside the limits of the topic, or contains similes, descriptions, or illogical words, and does not link the assessed commodity in any connection.
  4. If the comment contains incomprehensible or incomplete words or poorly expressive wording.
  5. If it was written in a language other than Arabic or English.
  6. If the comment was included in the wrong product and it became clear from the description that it meant another product, or if the descriptions did not match between the comment and the product on which it was commented.
  7. If the comment contains lies or falsification of facts and facts and mentions facts and procedures that are not compatible and are not performed by the seller or the platform.
  8. Objection to pricing or to any order that was approved before the completion of the sale, such as objecting to the price only, but the user can comment on the value against the price, for example: This price is too much (wrong), the price is in contrast to the features in it - mentioning the advantages that competitors have Without mentioning the names of the competitors - (correct)
  9. If a comment is included and there are comparisons between the seller and other sellers, even if it is outside the platform.
  10. Any comment that includes personal information, phone numbers or addresses.
  11. Any comment in which there is a response to another previous comment, or in which there is an invitation to exchange responses between users.
  12. Any comment that threatens the privacy of the seller or mentions the sources of the commodity he sells or its main suppliers for the purpose of harming the seller.
  13. Any comments put links.


Seller profile:

  • The seller is obligated to fill out the profile after registering and accepting him as a seller directly on the platform.
  • The seller is committed to a minimum of real information about the activity and the establishment.
  • Using the profile to get information about the establishment, its size, activity and headquarters.
  • The existence of a personal file for the seller does not indicate the legality of communication between the seller and the buyer by any means of communication outside the platform, and then the completion of the transaction within it, so that they are not subject to dispute or disagreement.
  • The seller is obligated to put his own commercial logo or trademark and is not entitled, according to the trademark system, to use a logo or trademark that he does not own.
  • The seller is obligated to put his own banner, provided that it does not contain phone numbers or social media, and he has the right to write content that indicates his specialization, activity, and the products he owns.
  • The seller is obligated not to write (Sulukan: which is a quoted text slogan that explains and justifies his activity and the establishment of the establishment) on the banner, but he has the right to write that in the field designated for it.
  • The seller has the right to mention his own policies (replacement and recovery, guarantee, sale) in a manner that does not contradict the terms, conditions, and policies within the platform. The reference and basis is the platform's policy, terms and conditions.
  • The seller is obligated to mention the response times, commitment to respond, and attention to the customer so that he does not feel neglected in his requests or that the seller does not respond in the recorded times.
  • The seller is not entitled to write data that is not required of him or inaccurate data, for example: bank account numbers, data and numbers of specific people who have nothing to do with his establishment, write praise or exaggerated phrases in the description of products.
  • If you see any of these behaviors or for more inquiries, you can inform us via email cms@yejei.com 


Product and service policy



Generally prohibited products:

  • They are the products that the seller is not entitled to publish or sell on the platform. Selling what is prohibited inside the platform.
  • In the event that the seller and the buyer are outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the terms and conditions of the platform regarding the prohibited products are applicable according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The seller must ensure the best standards and accuracy with regard to the products that he publishes and sells on the platform, taking into account that any sale may include any prohibited products or fraudulent or fraudulent products, as a consequence of which the penalties that are commensurate with them will be applied, whether with a complaint from the customer or not. .
  • The products that are approved and sent through the seller and those that are not completely identical to what is in the content that the seller wrote down and are passed through the platform with the consent of both the seller and the buyer are considered prohibited products, and the penalty applies in this case to both parties (the seller and the buyer).
  • The prohibited products apply to any downloadable product such as video or photo products, even if it is free, and intellectual property rights laws apply to it.
  • Any service that can be provided through the platform and contributes to facilitating, providing or transferring prohibited services or products applies to prohibited services.
  • Generally prohibited products fall under the following:
  1. Items that assist in illegal activities, such as theft tools, trespassing tools, espionage, and the like.
  2. Elements that underestimate the Islamic religion in particular and religions in general
  3. Elements that incite hatred, racial and sectarian discrimination, and stir up tribal strife and intolerance.
  4. Items that are directly or indirectly not a good or service such as gifts, sweepstakes, sweepstakes or contests.
  5. Items that are in their final form have health, physical or psychological harm, such as alcohol, unrecommended cosmetics, or unlicensed drugs and drugs.
  6. Elements that appear ugly or contrary to nature or have a psychological or physical effect on the viewer, such as terrifying images and scenes of killing and destruction
  7. Items that involve the transfer of money or ownership, such as bonds, stocks, securities, and contracts.
  8. Items that violate public morals or religion, such as pornography or that are of a sexual nature.
  9. Items that do not include a physical service for sale, such as cryptocurrencies and ads that aim to collect user information.
  10. The items estimated by the platform and its management are prohibited or that their trading within the platform is harmful to users or the platform or both, and it is at the discretion of the platform and the platform has all the rights it exercises to estimate that based on its vision and what is required by its own interests and its users.
  • Using the platform to promote, market or send advertisements to any of the users inside or outside the platform who are clients of the platform related to the prohibited products, the penalty will be applied to him in proportion to the breach he made.


Prohibited items in detail:

  • Drugs, alcoholic beverages, intoxicants and the like, such as:
  1. Sales of narcotics, sedatives, psychotropic substances, medicines, industrial drugs and stimulants.
  2. Substances and drugs that are subject to control or that are dispensed without a medical prescription.
  3. Materials and devices that assist in packing, concealing or smuggling narcotics, alcohol or medical drugs.
  4. Publications and media that provide information on the production of any of the previously prohibited materials.
  • Chemicals, flammable materials, dangerous and explosive materials, and the like, such as:
  1. Explosives, ignition and blasting equipment.
  2. Radioactive substances, toxic chemicals and toxins.
  3. Hazardous materials for sea or air transport.
  4. Any materials or products containing asbestos.
  5. Explosives and fireworks are allowed in specific and authorized cases.
  • Ammunition, weapons and the like:
  1. Services, media and recipes that indicate or explain the production of biological or chemical weapons or internationally prohibited weapons.
  2. Weapons, firearms and military ammunition or parts thereof, including explosive ones.
  3. Air rifles, blast guns, and chemical guns
  4. Weapons that cause physical damage, such as batons and stun guns.
  5. Knives and sharp blades, except for those used in food, shaving, or for domestic use, or for contracting and construction work.
  6. What the platform and its management consider to be prohibited weapons.
  • What is used officially by the authorities, governments, armies or official, regular and health agencies, law enforcement agencies and security agencies:
  1. Military, security or similar clothing, whether belonging to an official or governmental body or security companies.
  2. Cards, official papers or seals, and all government forms and the like.
  3. Official equipment of the security or military authorities, including their emblems and emblems.
  4. Costumes, clothes, identities, and publications related to high-private entities such as airlines, transportation, and railway companies, or their regulatory, security, and administrative agencies, or companies of a special nature, such as oil companies (for example: Aramco) or contracting companies operating in Important or sensitive places, or operating companies operating in places where others are not authorized to work, or companies cooperating directly with government agencies, banks, money transfer companies, and money transfer companies.
  5. Forms for hospitals, clinics or governmental health agencies, including forms of analysis, examination and special reports, nursing and surgeons’ clothes and doctors’ uniforms
  6. Excluded from the foregoing: souvenirs such as hats, cups, pens, shirts, authorized contents, or badges that are clearly not original, historical or old badges and badges that do not match the current form, or issued by an entity that no longer exists yet, or similar forms that do not match For the purpose of display or production of children's toys.
  7. The management of the platform may request from the seller a permit or an official permission from official authorities to engage in the sale of some products of official use, and original copies of them may be requested for conformity.
  8. An exception is also made in the event that the buyer proves the authority he belongs to, his licenses to practice the profession, his need for it, and its correct use.
  • Medical devices, medicines, drugs and the like, such as:
  1. It is prohibited to publish any drug or drugs that are dispensed only according to a medical prescription, except for those licensed to publish them or carry out their activities, such as pharmacies.
  2. The sale of oral foods and supplements or sex supplements is prohibited.
  3. It is prohibited to sell veterinary medicines except to entities licensed to practice the activity.
  4. Only officially authorized medical devices may be sold to authorized parties.
  • Adult material:
  1. It is prohibited to publish or sell pornographic materials for whatever reasons, and the user's account shall be terminated immediately in the event of doing so.
  2. It is prohibited to publish or sell materials that urge physical violence, rape, mutilation, or that spread an abnormal culture or contrary to nature.
  3. It is prohibited to publish or sell sexual materials such as sex toys and related products.
  4. It is prohibited to publish or sell products whose covers bear sexual images, obscene images, phrases that arouse sexual instinct, or images of nudity.
  • Equipment, devices and data that are used for illegal purposes:
  1. Devices designated for the purpose of stealing broadcasts, rights, or jamming of unauthorized radar, broadcast, or television or audio broadcasting devices.
  2. Programs and devices designed to decode broadcasts and websites and perform hacking operations on them.
  3. Unauthorized spying or tracking devices or their entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  4. Cameras that can be used for illegal purposes such as espionage or taking pictures of others without the knowledge or the possibility of using them for defamation purposes.
  5. Circumvention and theft devices and devices that can be used in illegal operations or without a legal basis.
  6. E-mail lists and user data in which people's identities and data are identified personally.
  7. Technical products that collect and send spam e-mail.
  8. Announcing jobs or the entity's need for employment.
  • Precious metals and antiques:
  1. It is prohibited to sell securities, cash, paper currencies, banknotes, stocks, bonds, money transfers, credit and debit cards, investment benefits, digital currencies or any forms of intangible currencies such as encrypted currencies, equipment and materials used in their manufacture.
  2. Postage stamps used at the present time. It is not forbidden to postage stamps that were historical and have not been worked on for long periods.
  3. It is prohibited to buy and sell precious metals such as gold, silver, and precious metals, with the exception of what was for the purposes of clothing, adornment, and jewelry.
  4. Raw precious metals that come from illegal sources such as human trafficking or slavery.
  5. Antiques, rare antiquities, and historical pieces, with the exception of antiques that were copied or merely for trading, or manufactured to show them as identical to the original, and the seller must mention the details.
  6. Artistic paintings, antique paintings, pictorial paintings, or stolen works of art, with the exception of paintings and pictures for adornment and beautification purposes, or the owner of the pictures owns the rights to publish and trade them, and antique paintings that fall under the ownership of their heirs or owners that were transferred to them under a assignment, sale contract, or inheritance.
  • Human, animal and plant materials and foods:
  1. It is prohibited to sell bones, blood, remains of the human body or its remains, or one of its organs or remains of whatsoever, and sperm, with the exception of what was borrowed, such as artificial hair, false eyelashes, and artificial cosmetic extensions, and those that cause proven damage to human health are prohibited.
  2. It is prohibited to sell animals threatened with extinction or protected by royal decrees or by decisions of the Wildlife and Development Authority, natural reserves, and all tools and means that contribute to the threat of wildlife and endangered animals.
  3. It is prohibited to sell animal organs such as internal organs, teeth, claws and fangs without legal use or obtained through illegal means or infringement.
  4. It is prohibited to include live animals in non-commercial use, with the exception of poultry, birds, fish, and what the laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia allow to be hunted by legal means, such as shrimp and types of fish, and what results from animal production such as eggs and milk, and what is consumed, traded, and eaten regularly.
  5. It is forbidden to include meat slaughtered in a non-Islamic way, or by electric shock, or torture, or non-halal products according to Islamic law.
  6. It is forbidden to include foods and plant foods that are watered with unclean irrigation sources, sewage water, water of unknown origin, or water with impurities that harm the consumer.
  7. It is prohibited to include canned foods that have a shelf life of more than 18 months when produced and remain on expiration for less than 3 months.
  8. It is prohibited to list foods that have a short shelf life, such as milk, margarine, and products that are prepared from multiple ingredients and are not canned and have a validity of less than 10 days, except with proof that is submitted to the platform regarding the procedures for transporting and preserving food until it reaches the buyer.
  9. It is prohibited to sell vegetables and fruits in their natural state and in a way to preserve them if they are exposed to damage, dryness, or withering, or they are not transported in a way that preserves them, or they are not in good condition, full of dust, or displayed in a way other than their actual condition.
  10. It is prohibited to sell grains that are not canned or that are not stored in a good and sound manner that preserves them from dirt, dust, sunlight, and any external influence that makes them unusable or in an unhealthy condition. They can be sold in bags or any packaging that may contain them from the source or upon import. The seller has no right to display them in a manner and Delivering it to the buyer in a different packing method, except in the case of special requests by the buyer, for example: in the case of the buyer offering a commodity of grains or spices in the form of cloth bags (burlap) and the buyer requested the commodity in the form of plastic or metal boxes of certain sizes, here the seller can implement All buyer requests, provided that there is no manipulation in weights or sizes, and that all costs are clarified to the buyer.
  • Materials and information that harm the security of the state or countries:
  1. It is prohibited to publish any information, media, data or secrets related to the state or any other country or that harm its national security or hinder or facilitate any activities of this kind.
  2. It is prohibited to publish any information that urges the violation of the sovereignty or security of states, or supports, directly or implicitly, outlaw organizations, organizations or groups classified as terrorists, or practices that, whether they are individuals or entities.
  3. It is prohibited to publish any information that supports racist parties or discriminates against individuals or minorities or calls for or declares such.
  4. It is prohibited to display products that include racial discrimination between races or religions on their covers, information, or names.
  • Tobacco products:
  1. The sale of pipes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, hookahs and chewing tobacco is prohibited.
  2. The sale and distribution of nicotine used in electronic cigarettes is prohibited.
  3. It is prohibited to sell and publish equipment used in the treatment of nicotine, equipment and tobacco products and their manufacture.
  • Gambling Equipment: Gambling equipment is prohibited, whatever it is, except for what is for the purpose of playing, such as playing cards, such as deck cards, Uno, and the like, and it was not used for gambling directly.
  • Products prohibited by penalties:
  1. It is strictly forbidden to deal with any entity, institution or country that is subject to international sanctions or from the United States of America.
  2. It is prohibited to deal strictly with any country, entity, institution or organization that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has stopped working with at all levels, punished economically, reciprocated or banned imports from.
  • Other prohibitions:
  1. Publication of products that contain or have harmful substances added to them, or that may lead to future damage, such as toys that contain lead paint
  2. Publish and sell refurbished products.
  3. Publish and sell used products.
  4. Publishing and selling real estate products that are not authorized to be sold except through specific outlets such as housing programs and projects.
  5. Assignment within the platform of ownership of contracts concluded with previous parties outside the platform.
  6. Sale by exchange or commodity for commodity.
  7. Selling stolen or unknown property.
  8. Selling property that is legally prohibited from being disposed of or sold to any party, except by virtue of a court ruling.
  9. Goods seized or mortgaged to other parties.


Counterfeit products:

  • This type of product is called: counterfeit products, non-original products, counterfeit products, products with a counterfeit mark, suspicious products.
  • Usually, products that bear marks similar to well-known trademarks or bear the same mark from a source other than the company producing the mark are usually called.
  • It may be called the products that bear no trademarks or bear another trademark and bear the same function, features and appearance of the product bearing a registered and well-known trademark.
  • Some counterfeit products may reach close to the quality level of well-known and famous brand products.
  • The well-known trademarks are distinguished by a barcode and a serial number that are subject to it in order to benefit from after-sales services and to ensure the reference of the product with the manufacturer of its own brand.
  • Within the limits of enforcement of laws, regulations, and regulations, it is prohibited to list products that bear fake or unknown trademarks, even if they are of high quality or satisfy the customer, and the seller bears full responsibility for that without any responsibility from the platform, its management, and all its employees.
  • Within the limits of enforcement of laws, regulations, and regulations, it is prohibited to list or sell products that bear patents or copyrights, even if they are free, and the seller bears full responsibility for that without any responsibility from the platform, its management, and all its employees.
  • Within the limits of enforcement of laws, regulations, and regulations, it is prohibited to sell or transfer ownership of any service or commodity that cannot be sold to other parties, or is exclusively for the party that requested its acquisition, without the approval of the parties that have the exclusive right to sell, promote, or assign it to other parties without permission or approval. In writing from these authorities or in the event that this is announced officially by them and through official channels.


Selling policy



  • Please read these conditions carefully before proceeding with the purchase process through the site, as your submission of the purchase request through the platform is considered your acceptance of the terms of sale followed in the egy.com business platform and makes compliance with what is stated therein effective and with immediate effect



  • The seller must set a pricing policy that is in line with his policies and directions and is in line with his potential customers through the platform in order to achieve continuous gains and a long-term partnership.
  • The seller should develop a pricing policy that is balanced with the expected demands from the markets and achieve flexibility in pricing that contributes to increasing sales and avoiding the risk of inventory accumulation.
  • The seller must use means to attract customers by pricing through a specific discount, a discount on quantities, or a discount for specific periods.
  • The prices shown on the products are inclusive of value added tax.
  • The seller is committed to the pricing that he set for the product, and he is not entitled to cancel the order repeatedly under the pretext of wrong pricing, and in the event that this is repeated, the penalty will be applied to the seller.
  • When the buyer places an order for a product and the seller approves of the request, the buyer is deemed to have agreed with this procedure to the price listed in the order, and he is not entitled to return the order after the specified time for return under the pretext of the price.
  • The buyer must take into account the reasons and motives behind the seller’s pricing of his products, and he is not entitled to object to that, but he can evaluate that after purchasing the product according to the mentioned criteria for evaluations.
  • The customer is not entitled to use the pricing of one of the sellers for one of his products as an argument or evidence for the ideal pricing of the same or similar product for another seller.
  • The price is located in an important area within the product page, and if the seller uses the offers and discounts policy, the previous price appears canceled and next to it is the current price.
  • The buyer is not entitled to quote the prices of the offers and claim them after the end of the offers or after the quantities have run out.
  • The seller must not use a pricing policy that harms other sellers inside or outside the platform for the purpose of misleading buyers, harming other sellers, or making unreal discounts, except with the permission of the competent authorities. Or any other behavior that may harm other sellers, the platform will take the necessary action against the seller and apply the penalty to him.


Quotations :

  • The customer or buyer must use the means of communication within the platform, including the (Request for Quotation) button, to request a price quote on a specific product.
  • The customer or buyer can communicate with the seller via private messages to inquire about a specific product or products and exchange media between them to bring closer and clarify the mutual information.
  • The seller must accurately mention the specifications required from the customer and write them in detail via (Quotation Request)
  • The seller must mention the time required to implement the request if the request is specific.
  • The seller must mention the time required to deliver the order if the order is specified.
  • The seller must mention the mechanism and method required to deliver the order, if the order is specific.
  • The seller must mention the details of the order costs, including work costs, transportation costs, freight, taxes, installation, assembly or operation costs, and all costs that fully fulfill the customer’s request. Or requesting additional amounts under the pretext of error in pricing or costs.
  • The seller has the right to mention the open period of the price offer, and in the event that this period expires without the customer’s approval or the customer’s request to amend the sent offer, or the customer did not agree to it, the seller must amend and write another price offer
  • The seller has the right to withdraw the price offer without giving reasons within the period that is between (sending the offer and receiving it by the customer) and (the customer's approval of the offer).
  • The seller is not entitled to withdraw from the price offer without giving reasonable reasons in the period between (the customer's approval of the offer) and (the customer's payment of the order amount).
  • The seller has no right to withdraw from the price offer without the existence of real or compelling circumstances that prevent him from doing so in the period that is between (the customer paying the order amount) and (delivering the order to the customer), and in the event that there are no real or compelling circumstances that prevent him from doing so, and according to what the platform sees, it is done suspend his account.
  • The seller is not entitled to set a long execution period for orders in order to defraud the customer and keep him for a long period of time.
  • The order delivery period is calculated from (the time the order value was paid through the platform or received in the case of transfer) in case the seller mentioned that or did not mention it.
  • It is preferable for the buyer to request a sample of the product for inspection and examination, in order to avoid cancellation of the order or dispute, in the event that the product is mainly intended for sale and is not produced according to demand.
  • When requesting a sample of a customized product, the estimated time period for making and sending the sample is mentioned.
  • When requesting a sample of a pre-prepared product, the date of sending it to the customer is mentioned during the correspondence and the estimated time of arrival according to the shipping destination.
  • The seller must mention the date of delivery of the order, and this will be according to the following:
  1. That the period of implementation and delivery be specific to the number, such as: delivery takes place within 10 working days from the date of payment.
  2. That the period of execution and delivery be specified per day, such as: delivery takes place on 9/20/2020 AD in the event of payment before 9/10/2020 AD
  3. That the period of implementation and delivery be over a numerical range, such as: delivery takes place within 10-15 working days from the date of payment.
  4. That the period of implementation and delivery be over a period of time, such as: the delivery takes place between 9/20/2020 AD to 9/30/2020 AD in the event of payment before 9/10/2020 AD
  5. That the period of implementation and delivery be related to making an initial sample for approval after completing the payment, such as: delivery takes place after completing the payment, then sending a written approval on the sample sent within 15 days
  • Working days differ from one facility to another, so the seller must indicate to the customer his working days in the price offer or mention the weekly days off, for example: working days throughout the week except Friday, or for example: from Saturday to Thursday.
  • Excluded from working days are official holidays in the state, such as the National Day or holidays, according to what is issued by the government agencies organizing this.
  • In the event that the seller does not mention his working days, the official working days of the country are taken, for example: from Sunday to Thursday.
  • The buyer, in the event that he will encounter a problem in the event of receiving the order before the date, must mention this to the seller in the correspondence, or specify the time period in which he can receive the order, and a different time period should not be mentioned from the time period mentioned by the seller in the price offer, and in the event that the buyer does not mention to the seller that there is There is a problem with receiving the order before the date, as it is an acknowledgment by the buyer that he can receive the order before the agreed date.
  • In the case of special products that are made to order:
  1. In the event that there is a sample of the product prepared according to the request, it is preferable for the buyer to request a sample to inspect the product and not be satisfied with the media or pictures.
  2. In the event that a sample of the product prepared according to the request is not requested, the conditions and specifications written in the price offer are the basis for the agreement and contract between the seller and the buyer, and based on their specifications, they are delivered to the buyer. Presenter.
  3. Specifications and quantities are subject to the buyer's need and the seller's ability to implement. Therefore, it is preferable to mention full details about the specifications and not to neglect any step or point in order to avoid errors or disputes.
  4. Clear vocabulary, words, numbers and specifications must be used in the submitted price offer and not be left to the interpretation of the client or the buyer.
  5. Proper estimation of delivery dates, and it is preferable to increase the period up to an additional 20% in order to avoid defects, errors, or the occurrence of an emergency.
  6. Examples of special products that are made to order include requesting special advertising, engineering, technical, consulting or industrial designs. These services may be provided by facilities and individuals.


Sale stages:

  • First: Products offered directly from the seller:
  1. The seller fills in the required data for the product from the seller's control panel (products), then (add product), fill in the options, then press (Save) to save it in the product list.
  2. The product, with the data written by the seller, is in a state of (under review).
  3. In case of approval by the supervisor of the product and its data, the status of the product will move from (under review) to (approval) in the control panel. In the event that the supervisor does not approve, it will move to status No. (1), and the seller will fill in the data and correct or complete it.
  4. The product becomes visible to all users within the platform.
  5. The buyer inspects the product and calibrates the required quantity, and sometimes the appropriate options are chosen, such as color and size, and then presses the (add to cart) button.
  6. The buyer will go to the (loading cart) button in the top menu.
  7. In the event that you choose (see the cart), the buyer will go to a page containing all the orders that he added to the cart
  8. You can skip point (7) and press the (Payment) button.
  9. Orders, order details, and values are reviewed in detail, such as shipping and taxes, and the choice of payment and shipping method.
  10. Click on (order now).
  11. The seller confirms the purchase order and prepares the requested item.
  12. The seller sends the item according to the shipping method required by the buyer.
  13. The buyer receives the product and confirms receipt.
  14. Upon receipt of the amount, the balance is added to the seller's account after deducting the agreed commissions and costs from the received amount.
  • Second: Products offered directly from the seller with the possibility of negotiation between the two parties:
  1. The seller fills in the required data for the product from the seller's control panel (products), then (add product), fill in the options, then press (Save) to save it in the product list.
  2. The product, with the data written by the seller, is in a state of (under review).
  3. In case of approval by the supervisor of the product and its data, the status of the product will move from (under review) to (approval) in the control panel. In the event that the supervisor does not approve, it will move to status No. (1), and the seller will fill in the data and correct or complete it.
  4. The product becomes visible to all users within the platform.
  5. The buyer clicks on (more information) and selects (request a quote).
  6. The buyer fills in the fields, writes the order and sends it.
  7. The seller responds to the request and displays it in the buyer's control panel.
  8. The buyer reviews the offer, and if approved, the price offer turns into a sale order. In case of disagreement, he has the choice between returning to step number (6) or canceling his order.
  9. The buyer pays the order value in case of approval to complete the order process.
  10. The seller confirms the purchase order and prepares the requested item.
  11. The seller sends the item according to the shipping method required by the buyer.
  12. The buyer receives the product and confirms receipt.
  13. Upon receipt of the amount, the balance is added to the seller's account after deducting the agreed commissions and costs from the received amount.
  • Third: Products that are not offered directly by the seller or are produced on demand with the possibility of negotiation between the two parties:
  1. The buyer clicks on (supplier message) from the product page or from the seller's page
  2. The buyer fills in the fields, adds the photo, writes the order and sends it.
  3. The seller responds to the message and it is displayed in the buyer's control panel in the messages section.
  4. The buyer reviews the product, and if the buyer wants the product sent, he requests a price offer or asks the seller to send a price offer to the buyer
  5. In the event of approval, the price offer turns into a selling order, but in the event of disagreement, he has the choice between negotiation, rejecting the offer, returning to step number (3), or canceling his request.
  6. The buyer pays the order value in case of approval to complete the order process.
  7. The seller confirms the purchase order and prepares the requested item.
  8. The seller sends the item according to the shipping method required by the buyer.
  9. The buyer receives the product and confirms receipt.
  10. Upon receipt of the amount, the balance is added to the seller's account after deducting the agreed commissions and costs from the received amount.
  • (Payment on delivery by the seller) services may be provided at one of the sales stages to achieve greater flexibility and serve a large segment of sellers and buyers and achieve speed and completion in the delivery of orders with total commitment by the seller and insurance amounts to ensure the seller's compliance with the terms of sale and payment on delivery Providing the service in the manner and form that the egy.com business platform adheres to, as well as ensuring the seller’s commitment to paying the platform’s commissions.
  • Services (delivery by the seller's drivers) may be provided at one of the sales stages to achieve speed in delivering orders to buyers located in areas close to the seller and to ensure that orders arrive as soon as possible while taking all guarantees and undertakings from the seller to provide those services in accordance with the terms of service and Undertakings and guarantees recognized by the seller in a separate agreement.



  • The sales stages and controls apply to sellers within the platform, and the platform has nothing to do with any commitment expressed, written down, or sent by the seller outside the platform channels, and the seller must abide by the sales controls within the platform according to the terms and conditions of the platform.
  • The seller must abide by the times he undertakes and deliver the products to the shipping companies to deliver the products to customers on time.
  • The seller is not entitled to use the platform for purposes other than selling within the platform.
  • Within the limits of some additional services provided by the platform to some sellers to ensure that they can provide the service to customers on behalf of the platform, the seller must write down the name of the carrier, the shipment number and the estimated date of its arrival, through the service channels provided by the platform to the seller.
  • The seller has the right to accept the return or exchange of the goods according to his choice after the expiration of the return period approved by the platform (not the seller), with the platform not waiving any fees or commissions collected from the amounts paid from buyers or even collected through sellers.
  • The seller must stay away from everything that would harm other sellers, whether in pricing or any other matters that may harm other sellers, and any practices that may occur from the seller in an irresponsible manner. Offending seller.
  • No seller inside or outside the platform has the right to object to the sale or display of any product by any other seller inside the platform even if the prices offered by any seller inside the platform are lower than the prices offered by another seller inside or outside the platform.



  • The buyer must adhere to the sales stages and controls within the platform, and the platform will not be responsible for any sale or negotiation process that takes place outside the platform channels, and will not respond to any dispute that may occur due to any communication or any information exchanged outside the platform channels for sales within the platform.
  • The buyer must make sure that the goods received by the seller are in conformity with the required specifications, and the buyer is not entitled to claim their return or exchange after the expiry of the return or replacement period (this applies to goods not prepared as requested).
  • The buyer has the right to ask the seller for better, newer and more realistic pictures by correspondence to confirm the product.
  • The buyer has the right to request more information from the seller.
  • Within the limits of the powers and additional services provided by the platform to sellers, the seller may use the ability to ship, transport or deliver goods directly by the seller or his representative to do so.
  • The platform has the right to cancel the order in the event that the buyer does not provide any data to ship the order to him, and he is not entitled to ask the platform to notify him of that, or to charge the seller or the platform any costs, fees, losses, or any costs resulting from the effects of that cancellation.
  • The buyer shall bear all / some of the costs incurred in returning, replacing or canceling according to the terms and conditions, such as but not limited to: transportation costs, payment costs upon receipt, return shipping costs, or any other costs mentioned.


terms of sale :

  • Purchase order approval:
  1. All offered products are either offered by local or international sellers or by the platform management.
  2. The buyer (customer) is notified of the platform's acceptance of the purchase request in various ways (either via the e-mail registered with us, or a text message on the mobile number registered with us).
  3. If the request is not approved, the buyer will be notified of that, and no amounts will be deducted in that case.
  4. The issuance of the purchase order by the buyer is an authorization and acknowledgment by the buyer of the right of the platform or any third party affiliated with it or subject to an agreement with it regarding payment to carry out the electronic payment process / operations and deduct the value of the purchases from the balance or cards that the site deals with.
  • Payment: It is done through the following:
  1. mada card
  2. Bank Transfer: All amounts

Al-Rajhi Bank through our account: Horizons Professional Trading and Marketing Est

IBAN: SA3080000425608016254358 IBAN

  1. Payment upon receipt by carrier companies.
  2. Payment upon receipt by our delivery drivers
  • Cancellation of the purchase order: The buyer can cancel the purchase order before starting to ship the product.
  • Cancellation of the purchase order by the platform: This is done in several cases:
  1. Failure to pay purchases on time.
  2. Leaving the order in the cart without issuing a purchase order (request) will be automatically deleted from the cart or ordered from another buyer.
  3. Failure to provide the buyer to the platform with your shipping and delivery information on the specified dates.
  4. The buyer does not allow or assist the platform or assist the third party who carries out the task of shipping and delivering the products to the buyer to deliver the product to the buyer at the specified time.


Fees and costs:

  • The platform has the right to issue its own fees and costs, which may be an offer, sale, services, policies, transportation or shipping fees, a commission percentage, or a percentage of some of the services it provides and relates to. The user has no right to object to the fees, which are imposed by agreement and prior notification.
  • Some fees are imposed in agreement with sellers or some sellers.
  • The seller is obligated to pay the fees imposed on him either as a result of the platform’s services or as a result of some of the products and services that it offers to other sellers, such as: fees for using the platform’s services, sales commission according to the classification of sellers, sales commission according to product categories.
  • The buyer is obligated to pay the fees imposed on him as a result of issuing an order to purchase a product or service through the platform, such as: value-added tax, shipping fees, payment fees upon receipt, storage fees...etc.
  • The amounts that are made through the bank transfer must be the same value as written in the application. In the event of transferring an amount less than what is written, the application will not be accepted. In the event that the customer cancels the application, the customer will bear the value of any additional costs or fees for the transfer to him and the refund of the amount, as will be done Transfer it to the same account from which the transfer was made.
  • In addition to the previous item, any amounts made via bank transfer and the amount transferred is more than the value of the order, only the value of the order will be deducted from it and the surplus amount will be returned to the customer, and the customer will bear at the time any additional value, costs or fees for the transfer to him from the amount transferred to him.

Sellers Commissions by Categories








Agriculture and food







Clothing, textiles and accessories







Cars and transportation







Bags, shoes and accessories







Electronics and home supplies







Electrical and communication equipment







Entertainment and sports







Gifts and games







health and beauty







Home, lighting and construction







Machinery, spare parts and tools







Metals, chemicals and plastics







Packaging and office supplies







service equipment







Security, safety and protection







The process of applying the sales commission according to the category of sellers

group seller

Vendor group application terms

The units to which the commission is applied

Minimum product Price

The applicable commission rate if the previous conditions are not met

Factory _

Certified industrial license for the seller

Certificate of origin or national producer certificate for products

Carton, pallet, tonneau, barrel,

Kilometer, Square_foot, Square Meter 

1500 SR

Retail group commission applies for the same category of rating 

Supplier _

A commercial register in which trade and import activity is recorded

Carton, pallet, Kilogram, Tonne, Liters, Gallons, barrels, meters, Foot, Kilo meter, Square foot, Square meter

500 SR

Wholesale _

A commercial register in which the wholesale activity is recorded

Carton, pallet, Kilogram, Tonne, Liters, Gallons, barrels, meters, Foot, Kilo meter, Square foot, Square meter

300 SR

Customer and vendor classification requirements

The group of Customer / Seller



  • commercial licence
  • industrial licence

note : In the case that a product is manufactured locally, commissions are applied within the limits of products manufactured within the region, provided that a certificate of local manufacture or ownership is available.


  • commercial licence

The name of the license or its activity must include commercial import

note: In the case that a product bears a trademark owned by the merchant, commissions are applied within the limits of the products that are supplied within the region, provided that a trademark ownership certificate is available


  • commercial licence

The name of the license or its activity must include wholesale trade


  • commercial licence

The business activity must include retail trade


  • Freelance work permit
  • Evaluation of client activity


  • Licensed by the Ministry of Labor and Human Development




Cancellation fees are the fees incurred by the seller in the event of non-acceptance of the request or in the event of non-response to the requests of buyers through the platform within a maximum period of 48 hours to 3 working days since the acceptance of the request through the management of the platform

Product value

Cancellation fees


More than 1500 riyals

10% of the price of one product

  • These fees are calculated after an initial warning to the seller through text or writing, or through the means of communication and the official channels of the platform.
  • These fees are calculated by the number of products, one by one
  • The value of the fine is deducted from the seller's account in the event that the seller's belongings are on the platform.
  • The seller must provide reasonable or convincing reasons to cancel the order, and the platform management has the right to accept or reject those reasons as it deems appropriate.
  • A verbal or textual, written and formal warning is sent to the seller of the cancellation fee fine, where the value of the fee and the period of its payment are noted, and the seller is obligated to pay it within the period specified in the warning, or within a maximum period of 10 working days in the event that the period is not clarified, otherwise he will be subject to suspension or punishment that The platform deems appropriate for the violation he has committed and described in the warning.
  • To avoid falling into this, the seller must follow up on the account on a daily basis through the control panel or messages sent to the mail, because failure to follow up on orders from customers is reflected in harm to the platform and the seller together in the first place.

500-1500 riyals

15% of the price of one product

Less than 500 riyals

100 riyals / product



Platform commissions:

  • A sales commission is calculated for the platform account, taken from the sale process, according to the following parameters:
  1. Seller rating .
  2. Product category classification: According to the platform classification group of the product.
  • Some products may be subject to a commission rate that is more or less than the classification closest to it, as determined by the platform and notified to the seller, including customized or unfixed-price products.
  • A specific seller or group of sellers may be subject to a specific commission rate and he/she is notified of it.
  • The commission rate and within a specific range may be subject to marketing policies to motivate the seller to increase sales and achieve targets or obtain free services, usually provided by the platform, in return for paid.
  • The commission rate and within a specific range may be subject to marketing policies to motivate the seller to accept orders with large amounts and increase his sales on the platform.
  • The platform has the right to review the commissions that are calculated on sellers or products and amend them in the future, and notify the sellers of that at least 10 days before applying them.
  • A rate of no less than 30.5% of the total shipping fees that the seller or the platform determines is calculated, which is value-added tax in addition to the shipping processing fees
  • In the event that the seller sets a minimum ceiling for free shipping, the orders that are subject to this will not be charged any fees.



  • By registering the user on the platform, whether a seller or a buyer, he gives the platform the right to collect all fees or costs, including taxes, on behalf of all sellers, and he has no right to object to that.
  • All amounts and fees due to the seller are collected after deducting the fees, amounts and commissions due to the platform during a specified period.
  • The seller is obligated to pay all fees, taxes, and all costs incurred by him, and the platform is not responsible for failure, inaction, negligence, or intentional non-compliance with that.
  • The seller, in the event that his products are subject to types of taxes, must disclose them upon registration in order to be programmed and calculated when adding the products.
  • When registering the product, the seller must choose the tax to which it is subject to be calculated when the customer makes the purchase or order, and any error of this kind is the responsibility of the seller, and he must also review the orders issued to him before approving them.


paying off :

  • If the payment is made by one of the payment gateways (Mada, Visa, MasterCard) within the platform, the completion of the process is subject to the approval of the third party to deduct the amount and notify the buyer of the completion of that, and it is an electronic process that takes place between several parties, the most important of which is the egy.com platform and the payment gateway.
  • If payment is made by bank transfer, the buyer must do the following:
  1. In the remarks field on the bank’s page when making the transfer, write the following: Payment of application number (copy application number here #)
  2. In the email field on the bank's page when making the transfer, write the following email: Pay@yejei.com 
  3. After verifying the payment, an email will be sent to complete and collect the amount via the transfer that you made.
  • Payment is achieved upon receipt by the authorized carrier (for example: Aramex) upon payment to the carrier's officer or in some cases signing the receipt paper.
  • Payment on receipt is verified by the seller or the seller's carrier (for example: the seller's driver) When we send you the delivery verification code, it is given to the driver to enter it into the application and the delivery is verified.
  • The seller may impose, within the limits of the powers and services that the platform may grant him and authorize him to exercise, to impose his own fees for payment upon receipt or for shipping goods within the limits required by his interest.


Shipping :

  • Shipping on the egy.com business platform is subject to policies and conditions (see shipping policy)
  • Shipping fees that are collected from the buyer vary according to the address, payment method, carrier, and timing, and may be subject to varying pricing policies from time to time.
  • The platform has the right to set and collect fees based on what is required by the interests of the platform and in a way that does not harm other parties.
  • Sellers have the right, within the limits of the services granted by the platform and authorizing them to control shipping fees, and in line with their interests, to set fees for shipping products and fees for collecting their amounts when the payment method is chosen upon receipt.
  • When the seller notices any behavior, doubts or practices that do not achieve the goals of the platform from the carriers affiliated with the platform, inform us via b2b@yejei.com .
  • The buyer, upon noticing any behavior, doubts or practices that do not achieve the goals of the platform or that prejudice the service that is supposed to be provided to him by the carriers affiliated with the platform, must inform us via cs@yejei.com 


Security :

  • The warranty policy of the Egy.com business platform is subject to policies and conditions (see warranty, return and replacement policy)
  • The seller has the right to set its own warranty policy in a manner that does not conflict with the warranty, return and replacement policy set by the platform, and in the event that there is any conflict between the two policies, the warranty, return and replacement policy of the platform is taken into account.
  • The seller has the right to impose additional fees on the products that are guaranteed by the condition of specifying the warranty period and limits, for example: Warranty period: 24 months, Warranty limits: The warranty does not include ( ) or the warranty includes ( ) only
  • The seller's commitment to the buyer with the guarantee provided by him is not canceled even after terminating his account from the platform or the seller canceling his account himself, and in the event that the seller does not comply, all measures will be taken to preserve the rights of the buyer.


Return and exchange:

  • The return and exchange policy of the egy.com business platform is subject to policies and conditions (see guarantee, return and replacement policy)
  • The buyer has the right to return the item within 3 days after receiving it in the following way:
  1. By informing us and sending an email to cs@yejei.com mentioning the invoice number and the reason for returning the item.
  2. Return the item to the condition it was in before receiving it (see the warranty, return and replacement policy in detail)
  3. Delivery of the Goods to the carrier, to the party that delivered it, or in such manner as we may direct you to by e-mail.
  4. When the seller accepts the return, you will be informed of this and contact you in order to return the amount to you.
  5. In many cases, the return fee and costs incurred by the buyer will be deducted
  6. When there are apparent reasons that necessitate the seller not accepting the return of the commodity or its non-saleability, the return may not be accepted.
  • In many cases, the return fees and costs incurred by the buyer will be deducted, such as: shipping costs incoming to him, shipping costs that he undertakes, sales commission on the platform, or commission for payment by Visa or MasterCard.
  • When there are apparent reasons that necessitate the seller not accepting the return of the commodity or its non-saleability, the return may not be accepted.
  • Some products, according to the (warranty, return and exchange policy) of the platform, are subject to non-return when the buyer receives them.


Transfer of ownership from seller to buyer:

  • When the buyer receives the product after receiving and collecting all amounts from the buyer, the product is considered the property of the buyer.
  • The buyer must verify the product and not dispose of it until it is verified that it is the required product.
  • The transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer does not cancel the right of the buyer to the after-sales services agreed upon between the two parties.
  • The buyer is not entitled to direct damage to the product he owns, exposing it to damage, and to claim compensation or any costs or free or non-free warranty services from the seller or from the platform.
  • The transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer through the platform does not make the platform a party to any misuse by the buyer of the commodity whose ownership is transferred to him, and the buyer has no right to claim the platform for any compensation, costs or effects as a result of that, or to use that for the purpose of defaming the reputation or harming the platform.


Bill :

  • It must contain the following:
  1. Egy.com platform logo, business and contact information.
  2. Invoice date
  3. The total price, the detailed prices, the value of taxes, if any, the quantities and their values, and the terms of entitlement
  4. Fees and other costs such as shipping and payment upon receipt or other fees.
  5. Tax Number .
  6. carrier
  7. payment method
  • The invoice can be sent in several ways: electronically via mail, printed copy with the courier or delivery driver.
  • The invoice must be kept in it to ensure after-sales services, if any.
  • The invoice must be issued through the platform or its channels.
  • The electronic copy of the invoice and the paper copy of it are of the same importance, provided that they are compatible with the goods data recorded therein, the data of the actual buyer, and the data recorded by us for the invoice.


Complete the deal:

  • The deal is considered to be in a state of closure after delivery of the product from the seller to the buyer and receipt of the amounts from the buyer to the seller after the expiry of the return and replacement period according to the warranty, return and exchange policy to which the platform is subject, then deposit all amounts due to the seller with deduction of the value of commissions and fees if Found, and in other cases after the seller paid the fees and commissions due to the platform after collecting the amounts from the buyers.



  • Charges from buyers to sellers are subject to a 7 day non-overlapping cycle.
  • The operations in this cycle are collected independently, and any operation that took place at this time is subject to this cycle and is not carried forward to another cycle, even if it is recalled or replaced.
  • Each transaction is paid separately for each vendor.
  • Freight invoices are paid separately from sales invoices to vendors.
  • Each transaction is paid after the sale has fulfilled its conditions, the expiration of the return and exchange period for the platform, and the guarantee that the commodity will be presented to the buyer.
  • Each transaction is paid after deducting all platform commissions, fees and other costs.
  • Each transaction is paid after deducting the fees involved in the transfer from one bank to another or transfers to foreign banks.
  • The period for collecting fees, collecting them and transferring them to the seller may extend from 15-45 days.


Seller policies:

  • The selling policy of each seller should not conflict with the selling policy of the platform.
  • In the event that the platform's selling policy conflicts with the policy that the seller places in the profile, the platform's policy will be applied, whether in the event of a dispute or when the conflict is discovered.
  • The seller may be subject to a penalty if he insists not to change the sales policy that he writes, which is inconsistent with the platform policy.
  • Examples of selling policy that violate the platform, such as: writing an IBAN number to transfer amounts directly to the seller, writing improper, impolite, inaccurate expressions, or should not be written, or writing descriptions or exaggerating praising the products.
  • Products that need after-sales services to the consumer or guaranteed by the seller must be mentioned in the sales policy of the product: the policy for providing spare parts, the maintenance policy, its dates and locations, and the limits and coverages of the warranty in the product provided.
  • If you see any of these behaviors or for more inquiries, you can inform us via email cms@yejei.com


Dispute resolution policy:

When there is a difference or any dispute between one of the users (buyers or sellers) within the platform, the platform management will, in an effort to reach a solution, do the following:

  1. Giving an opportunity to the two different parties to negotiate and discuss the matter in dispute by the management of the platform and giving the opportunity to reconcile and express solutions, within a maximum time of 10 working days.
  2. In the event that one or both parties refuse to resolve the dispute within the limits of the platform management, the platform management will refer the matter in dispute to the competent authority, as the competent authority authorized to consider this type of dispute is the Commercial Court in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  3. The management of the platform will cooperate with the competent authority regarding the data and information it possesses in relation to and related to the two conflicting parties within the platform whenever the competent authority requests it to do so and without any responsibility affecting the platform or any of its members, employees or departments, and the two / parties are not entitled to object to that .


Evacuation responsibilaty :

  • Our supervisors or observers may not be able to quickly discover errors related to the behavior of sellers or buyers during or before the sale process. Therefore, we are not responsible for any personal behavior of users during, before and after the sale process.


warning :

  • The management of the platform warns against exploiting the platform, its buyers, sellers, or any of its contents or services in improper or uncontrolled use, or any fraudulent actions, behaviors, methods, phishing, or attempting to use the platform in order to harm any user inside the platform or any person outside it using its means. And its channels, and will not be lenient in applying the maximum penalties and prosecuting any user who causes this, or tries to harm the market, or creates a fake demand or offer.


Shipping policy



Information and data:

  • The shipping process requires sufficient information to complete the shipping process.
  • The most important information that the shipping process requires from the buyer: name, mobile number, e-mail, country, city, neighborhood, street, building number, location.
  • The most important information that the shipping process requires from the seller: name, mobile number, email, country, city, neighborhood, street, building number, location.
  • The most important information that the seller requires about the product from the shipping process: product name, envelope content, weight, breakable or not, envelope dimensions, and other detailed information about the product.
  • Information and data may need to be updated periodically, which may require us to do so periodically by sending an e-mail or calling.
  • The user must update his data periodically to avoid errors in shipping operations.
  • The user must provide more accurate data and information to make the charging process faster and easier.
  • The customer must specify the type of location to which he requests shipping, even if he is not asked to do so: workplace, home, friends, family.
  • Upon completion of the order, the customer must wait and watch for any call or message that may come from our shipping staff, our sellers, or third parties (carriers) who provide shipping services to our sellers, respond to them and provide them with the information they request in order to complete the shipping process as required.
  • In the event that the information provided is inaccurate or incorrect, and the driver contacts the customer more than once without response or cooperation, we, our sellers, or our affiliate carriers will be forced to return the order, and the buyer has no right to request any compensation if we do so.
  • If the customer requests payment upon receipt, he must prepare the amount or ask the driver before arrival in case of uncertainty and ask the driver about the payment mechanism available or available at the present time, for example: payment in cash or by bank card.



  • The ability to reach customers in order to deliver their orders varies according to the place, time and delivery service provider.
  • The driver may not be able to deliver the product to the customer in some places for reasons related to the same place, inaccurate information, or the lack of a field basis for distinguishing or knowing the place of receipt.
  • The driver may not be able to deliver the product to the customer at some times for reasons related to timing, exceptional circumstances, force majeure, holidays, events, or any unforeseen circumstance.
  • The delivery policy is subject to and varies according to the delivery service provider affiliated with us or through our sellers, as well as the mechanism by which it operates, the method of providing it with information, and the extent of its spread in different regions.
  • The inability to reach may sometimes force us or our sellers or our parcel transport service companies to ask you to receive the product at their premises and not at your home or address.
  • Our ability or the ability of our representatives from delivery service providers or vendor drivers to reach the customer does not mean our ability to deliver at any time.


Domestic shipping:

  • The internal shipping cost is estimated according to our drivers, sellers or carriers when the order is completed.
  • Some of our sellers may run promotions and bear shipping costs on behalf of the buyer, and the platform is not obligated to have any consequences or charge any costs as a result.
  • The seller, if he agrees and the customer chooses delivery by one of the carriers, must quickly deliver it to the shipping agent affiliated with our platform.
  • The seller must attach the order order that contains the details of the order or the invoice in the event that the customer pays the value of the order on the envelope.
  • The seller must keep any document that is printed and received by our shipping agent to follow up on the shipment or in the event of an emergency.
  • The platform, sellers or shipping agents may transfer the products whose request has been fulfilled and start shipping them either collectively or each order separately even if the order is by one seller.


External shipping:

  • Foreign shipping is subject to costs and estimates that vary according to the country, region, or carrier committed to delivery there.
  • Additional or customs fees may be collected if the shipment is from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the buyer must pay these fees.
  • Additional or customs fees may be collected from the buyer if the shipment is sent from a country to the country in which he resides, and the buyer is obligated to pay those fees.
  • Shipping fees may be collected when the seller lists and collects them through the platform, mentioning the details and information of the carrier and the policy, and then the buyer bears the payment of customs duties to the carrier in the country in which he receives the shipment, and the buyer is obligated to pay those fees.
  • Shipping fees and customs fees may be collected from the buyer through the carrier in the country in which he receives the shipment, and the buyer is obligated to pay these fees.
  • Freight forwarders may transfer the products whose order has been fulfilled and start shipping them either collectively or each order separately, even if the order is by one seller.
  • In the event of shipment outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or shipment to it from abroad, the shipment may be subject to inspection by customs officials.


Shipping costs :

  • Shipping fees and costs are estimated according to carriers, sellers, product weights or dimensions, or other factors.
  • Shipping costs are included in the invoice.
  • Shipping costs are not included with the actual cost of the item.
  • Shipping costs are not included in the return value if the order is canceled before the goods are shipped and a bill of lading is issued or shipped by the seller.
  • Additional fees may be charged if an express delivery service is available, indicating the actual delivery period, knowing the information and data of the buyer's location.



  • Estimated dates are usually mentioned, and they are minimum and maximum, for example, but not limited to: Shipping takes place within 4-6 working days.
  • In the event that a specific date is set, the buyer may be contacted during the period from completing the request and being notified of the date until the specified date.
  • In the case of non-customized products, special products, special delivery products, multi-quantity orders, or orders with high quantities, they are subject to deadlines to be agreed upon according to the contracted terms.
  • In the event that any circumstance occurs that limits the delivery of the customer’s order at the specified or agreed time, the customer will be notified of this either through our sellers or shipping agents affiliated with us, or from the platform management, to process the matter and inform you of the delivery method or another date.
  • In the case of internal shipment and for products prepared and ready for sale and available for implementation, the period from execution of the order to its delivery must not exceed 15 days, and in this case the buyer must send to us to take the necessary action cs@yejei.com  
  • In the case of internal shipment and for products prepared and ready for sale and available for implementation, the delay in receiving the order from the specified date must not exceed 15 days, and in this case the buyer must send to us to take the necessary action cs@yejei.com  


Encapsulation :

  • The seller must put the phrase “breakable” on the envelope when delivering it to the transporting party in the event that the product is fragile or subject to damage as a result of transportation. The seller must also put it inside the envelope or carton in a way that protects the product in the worst cases. The site management is not responsible for damage to the product inside the envelope.
  • The seller: or his employees or those acting on his behalf in providing services to the platform’s customers must examine the products that they ship and ensure their safety before shipment. It is also preferable to add any tool or sticker that protects the product and confirms its safety from tampering, opening or intrusion.
  • The seller must: Ensure that the packaging of the product contains his name, the barcode, or a mark indicating it or distinguishing it from others, so that it is not subject to loss or failure to distinguish it by the buyer or the carrier.
  • The buyer must: take care of the contents of the product, including covers, outer cartons, or stickers, and not destroy them or change their features, especially during the periods of return or replacement, in order for them to be accepted by the seller in the event that they are not suitable for the buyer.


Cancelling order :

  • The buyer can cancel the order without incurring any costs during the period between (making the order) to (before shipping the order).
  • The buyer can cancel the order while bearing the shipping cost or other costs, or according to what the seller deems appropriate if he is the carrier, in the period between (shipping the order) to (before receiving the order or receiving it and returning it or replacing it).
  • Cancellation of the order may be subject to policies specified by the sellers, provided that they do not conflict with the shipping policies of the platform, and in the event that they conflict, the platform policy is taken into account.


Warranties and Responsibilities:

  • The seller: Ensures that the product is presented in the required and appropriate manner and that the shipment is packaged in a way that guarantees its safety.
  • The platform: It guarantees the provision of excellent customer service and shipping from all parties, whether the platform, the seller or the carrier.


Free Shipping:

  • Services of this kind may be offered by our sellers
  • Services of this kind may be provided by agreement of the platform with vendor groups.
  • These services may be associated with a specified sales value or higher.
  • Free shipping does not mean providing less than required shipping services.


Damages and damages:

  • The seller shall bear the damages that may occur to the product before the customer receives it.
  • The buyer shall bear the damages and damages that may occur to the product in the event that the damage to the product is not reported when it is received or that the product is not received in a timely manner.
  • Manufacturing defects or other defects may be discovered in the commodity during the return period, and at that point the commodity must be returned to the condition it was when it was received from the covers and any publications in order for the seller to receive it.
  • The buyer is not entitled to claim any costs as a result of damage from his delivery of the product with errors, or the product was not what was ordered, and in this case he is entitled only if the terms of return or exchange apply, to return the product and return the amount of the commodity after deducting shipping costs or any other costs or replace the product To get another healthy product.
  • In the event of damages, damages, errors, or defects that occur to the product as a result of manufacturing defects, defects in the specifications provided, or specifications that the seller did not comply with, the seller must return the price of the product to the platform to compensate the buyer for the value that was paid by the buyer in return for guaranteeing the buyer’s delivery of the product We need to return it to the seller, and in this case there are several conditions, the most important of which are:
  1. The product should not be used by the buyer for a benefit that prejudices it, overloads it, or uses it in a way that harms it, or without following the instructions for use.
  2. The defect should not be due to improper storage by the buyer.
  3. The defect should not be caused by the purchaser's use of the commodity and the passing of an electric voltage that is not compatible with the product.
  4. It should not be a downloadable product that prevents the seller's poor service from providing or downloading it.
  5. The product should not have been specially designed and according to the buyer’s request.


Status of the item upon return:

  • It must be in the same condition in which the buyer received it.


Cases of non-acceptance of returns:

  • If the buyer benefits from the product or service and obtains its benefits.
  • If the time specified for the return is exceeded according to the warranty, replacement and return policy of the platform (see the warranty, return and replacement policy)
  • If the product is specially designed and manufactured according to the consumer’s request or according to specifications specified by him.
  • If the contracted product is downloadable or copyable, such as video tapes, media, images, or information programs that have been used.
  • If the contracted product deals with publications or products that are subject to custom design or production, such as media production, video production, motion graphics, graphic design, and the like.
  • If the defect is the result of improper storage or possession by the buyer.
  • If it is a service of food transportation, subsistence or accommodation services.
  • If it is from products that are downloaded through the platform, such as images and media.
  • If all positive and negative specifications are specifically mentioned in the product description and it is requested to be returned for a reason mentioned in the product description.


Case documentation:

All cases can be documented by photographing damages, damages, products, delivery, or photocopying their documents, but it is not taken as a means of proving any of the cases mentioned.



customers service :

Customer service is provided by mail cs@yejei.com or by writing to us on WhatsApp: +966555403607


Warranty, return and exchange policy



Products and services guarantee policy:

  • The guarantee policy of the Egy.com business platform is subject to what enhances our sellers and their buyers greater credibility within the limits of the contracted terms and what the sellers provide to their customers who do or are able to engage in retail trade, distribution, marketing or selling activity to marketers or other sellers.
  • The main benefit and purpose of providing a guarantee for the product displayed on the platform is to enhance the confidence of our customers in the products offered by the platform sellers.
  • The existence of a guarantee for products that are not subject to a system of specific warranty conditions according to the laws and regulations is an additional advantage and value granted by sellers, their agents or distributors to buyers or consumers.
  • Within the limits of the texts mentioned in the terms and conditions of the egy.com platform, business is not considered in any way or indicates the existence of a guarantee provided by the seller to the following:
  1. The seller owns the intellectual rights and the patent for the product he guarantees.
  2. The seller owns the brand of the product he guarantees.
  3. That the seller is actually authorized by the establishment that owns the trademark or the owners of its intellectual rights or patents to sell this product.
  4. That the seller is the sole or exclusive distributor or has a commercial agency from the factory or the manufacturer or a distribution agency to guarantee the product or is authorized to provide guarantees on behalf of the manufacturer or the actual agent of the product.
  • Determinants of the guarantee provided (introductory explanation):

Warranty specific

to explain

Example for explanation

Product Type

Categories of products include and categories not to include

Products that cannot be guaranteed when they leave the scope of the seller to the buyer cannot be returned, for example: underwear, customized products, etc., and there are products that must be guaranteed by the seller and are at the disposal of the buyer, for example: cars, Electrical appliances..etc.

Guarantor or guarantee provider

The party providing the guarantee: the factory, the agent, the seller, the distributor

What the seller mentions in the contract, order, or invoice that he provides a guarantee for the commodity or service, or mentions that the warranty is from the manufacturer or the agent, for example: the product is the seller’s warranty for a period of 12 months, or the agent’s warranty for a period of 24 months


The seller guarantees his product in a binding manner, for specific products according to the binding authority, such as regulations and laws

Products whose warranty is imposed by obligation according to the binding party, such as those whose sellers or agents are obligated by the system to guarantee these products while they are at the disposal of the buyer for a specific period and with specific or open coverages, for example: electrical products must be guaranteed by the seller for a period of 24 months.

Warranty limits

Geographical boundaries of the guarantee

Products in which the warranty is determined according to the geographical area, or the warranty coverage does not include specific or open geographical borders, for example: in the case of shipment outside the borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the warranty does not include that, or the warranty is considered void.


Warranty period

The period decided by the seller or decided by the regulations to guarantee the product, for example: the product is guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the seller, a guarantee for a period of 24 months

Warranty coverages

What is covered by the warranty on the product and what is not covered

The warranty may include all or part or specific parts of the product, for example: the warranty does not include the mobile screen, or a warranty against specific faults, for example: against water, against fire, etc.

coverage type

The form of guarantee or compensation provided for the damaged product or part thereof


  1. Item repair
  2. Item exchange
  3. Material compensation
  4. Return the full item and refund the value to the buyer.

Purchase warranty

A guarantee offered against a specific value or values

  • It includes guarantees provided by the guarantor with a specific value, such as: an item without warranty at 1000 riyals, an item with a one-year warranty at 1200 riyals, and an item with a two-year warranty at 1300 riyals.
  • It also includes guarantees provided by the guarantor with the same guarantee value, such as: the item without the warranty is 1000 riyals, and you can buy the one-year warranty for 200 riyals.
  • The guarantor has the right, and usually the value of the guarantee is paid at the time of purchase, and in some cases the guarantor may offer the possibility of purchasing the guarantee to the buyer even after purchase, and he may stipulate that he does not purchase the guarantee when a defect occurs in the guaranteed item

the performance

Ensuring that the product performs its functions as agreed

In some cases, product performance may vary according to time limits, usage, or other factors that may be mentioned in the usage manual and may not be mentioned due to shipping conditions and the country producing the commodity, so the seller, for example, must mention that, for example: a saving lamp, for example, gives Not less than 10 watts, or more, for example: give a maximum of 15 watts, and examples of performance according to time limits: GPS navigation devices may work in some areas and may not work

As for use: some countries use 110 volts current by default, and the purchased item uses 220 volts current

  • The seller on the Egy.com business platform fully acknowledges under the terms and conditions of the platform that he is responsible for guaranteeing the product provided with full responsibility, even if he is authorized by the manufacturer or the regional agent to distribute, promote or practice marketing activity for the product and he is responsible for receiving and delivering the product in If the terms and conditions of the guarantee apply to the product that is damaged or has a defect, it must be dealt with within the limits of the guarantee.
  • Before receiving the product subject to warranty, the seller must mention the period during which the product will be repaired, and it must not exceed 14 days, provided that the product is not intended for the buyer exclusively or was produced according to demand.
  • In the event that the product is defective, has malfunctions, is damaged, or has been returned or replaced, this does not cancel the platform’s right to the sales commission, costs and fees incurred in the selling process to the platform, and the platform does not entail any compensation to the seller or the buyer towards the damaged commodity or any other costs.
  • The buyer bears the shipping fees of the product to him upon purchase, and the seller bears the shipping fees from the buyer to him in cases of return, exchange or warranty
  • The seller bears the cost of the product returned with the effect of the guarantee and transfers the full amount of the returned item to the platform.
  • The seller shall bear any costs that may be incurred or incurred by the platform as a result of the violation of the terms and conditions of the warranty by the seller.
  • The buyer shall bear the costs or fees of transferring the amounts to his account, if any, and the transfer will only be made to the account through which the purchase was made or transferred to a bank account identical to the name of the buyer.
  • Refund of the value of the commodity is according to the market price upon return in the event that the product exceeds 60 days with the buyer from the date of receipt to the date of submitting the return request, which is an estimated value subject to the discretion of the seller, and the return is at the same purchased value in the event that the period does not exceed 60 days from the date of receipt to the date of submission return request.
  • The warranty applies to cases of defects, materials and workmanship, or as required by the types of coverage for each product.
  • According to this guarantee and its provisions, and according to the terms and conditions of the egy.com business platform, the buyer's right to repair does not mean an extension of the warranty period or the addition of other warranty conditions other than those that apply according to the terms and conditions of the platform or what the seller writes down when contracting with the buyer of his warranty terms, where they are These terms are subject to the warranty of the product seller.
  • What is not covered by the warranty:
  1. If the attempt to repair the product is outside the scope of the seller or is not authorized by the seller.
  2. Damages that occur as a result of a collision between the product and another object, such as breakage, kinks, and dents, and cause the product to not operate or to disrupt its functions.
  3. Damages resulting from partial exposure to water, partial or total immersion in water, spraying, exposure to moisture, storage in a damp place, exposure to high or very low temperatures, or direct exposure to sunlight or radiation from radiation or laser devices.
  4. Modifying the operating programs for devices or software
  5. Use of non-original or unapproved accessories for the product.
  6. Remove serial numbers on the product.
  7. Replacement of consumable parts of devices such as batteries, light bulbs, earphones, printer inks, chargers, connections and wires.
  8. Violation of the operating instructions and the instruction booklet, and the use of the commodity for purposes other than those for which it was intended.
  9. Damage to the commodity due to negligence or overcharge.
  10. In the event that evidence indicates tampering with the contents of the device or the seals on the covers of what the device or commodity contains, such as batteries, or intentionally removing them, or breaking or scratching one of the contents of the device.
  11. The product sent to the buyer on the basis that it is a sample
  • Warranty cases on the platform (the list is updated periodically):

Product Type



or the obligated party

Warranty limits



coverage type


Electrical and electronic devices

the seller

(The seller himself may represent the actual guarantee provider)


Ministry of Commerce

Saudi Arabia

24 months

the product

in full


or replacement

Or return and return the value

Includes all electrical and electronic devices: mobile phones, portable devices, computers, devices, audio-visual devices, cameras, devices, electronic watches.

Coverage type:

1- Repair the defective part 3 times

2- Replacement with the remaining warranty period once

3- Returning the product and returning the value to the buyer

Spare parts for cars, buses and transport vehicles

the seller

binding from the platform

Saudi Arabia

or the country of the seller


30 days

The entire product




Includes all mechanical and electrical auto parts

Coverage type:

1- Replace the whole piece at once.

2- Retrieving the product and returning the value to the buyer.

Non-electronic watches

the seller

binding from the platform


Minimum of 90 days

The entire product

Replacement or refund

It includes all watches that are not fully electronic or that have an electronic screen inside the watch, whether wrist watches, wall clocks or alarm clocks

Women's accessories, non-precious jewelry, and unnatural gemstones or products consisting of them

the seller

binding from the platform

Saudi Arabia

or the country of the seller

Minimum of 90 days

The main qualities are paint and gloss

Replacement or refund

Includes plated women's accessories, non-precious jewelry, and manufactured precious stones or what they contain of these stones

Machinery, equipment and devices for industrial, agricultural or commercial purposes

the seller

binding from the platform


Minimum one full year

The entire product


or replacement



It includes all machinery and equipment used for industrial, commercial, or agricultural purposes, or for use in production lines or laboratories.

Coverage type:

1- Repairing the defect or the damaged part 5 times.

2- Replacement or refund and return of the value to the buyer (customer's option).

Metal parts and products whose manufacturing base includes basic metals such as iron, stainless steel, copper and aluminum

the seller

binding from the platform


Minimum of 90 months

Paint, durability, and no exposure to breakage, smashing, or rust




It includes all products that include the main metals as an essential part in manufacturing or in its structure or external body, provided that the defect is not a result of improper storage or transportation errors.

Coverage type:

1- Replace the whole part twice.

2- Refund and return of the value to the buyer.

Household products that keep food or liquids warm and products that are exposed to high heat and cold

the seller

binding from the platform

Saudi Arabia or the country of the seller

Minimum of 120 days

Materials used in manufacturing, preservation of heat, non-leakage of liquids, and non-change in their basic characteristics or exposure to damage as a result of the variation in temperature




It includes all household items that consist of heat preservation products, and the seller must mention the duration of the product's heat retention, and the warranty limits must be mentioned in products that are subjected to severe variation in heat and cold.

Coverage type:

1- Replace the whole part twice.

2- Return and return the value to the buyer.



Return policy:

  • The return policy is subject to the terms and conditions of the egy.com business platform regarding the return of products, the return period, cases of return and its reasons.
  • Returning the product after receiving it without reasons: The return period is (three days) from the receipt of the product by the buyer. In this case, the buyer bears the cost of shipping the product that was paid upon purchase, and the buyer also bears the cost of shipping the product to the seller upon return.

Reasons for product return

Product return terms

  1. In the event of a change of opinion
  2. In the event that the buyer finds an alternative product
  3. Other customer related reasons
  1. If it is a returnable product (see non-returnable products)
  2. If it is open and holds all its original cards.
  3. If the product is in good condition, opening the packaging does not affect it.
  4. If the condition of the product qualifies for resale
  5. If the product includes all the accessories that came with it
  • Returning the product after receiving it with reasons: The return period is (three days) from the receipt of the product by the buyer. In this case, the buyer bears the cost of shipping the product that was paid upon purchase, and the seller bears the costs of shipping the product from the buyer to the seller, and to retrieve the product in this way. Several reasons and conditions:

Reasons for product return

Product return terms

  1. Received the wrong product
  2. Receiving a product contrary to what was described on the product page on the platform or in the price offer submitted by the seller, which the buyer agreed to.
  3. Receiving a product that is damaged, damaged, or does not work, even if it is subject to repair.
  1. It has never been used
  2. It shall be in the original condition in which it was delivered
  3. be in its original packaging
  4. Includes all tags, labels and barcodes

  • In the case of the product requested by the buyer as a sample, the buyer is not entitled to return it unless it is contrary to what was described by the seller on the product page or in the price offer submitted.
  • The seller checks and inspects the product, and then the seller decides that the terms of return are matched. In the event that there are any reasons that do not guarantee a return, the seller must support that with pictures.
  • The buyer has the right to photograph the damages and damages in the returned product with reasons whenever the need arises for requesting and matching them in the event of any dispute arising with the seller
  • List of non-returnable products:
  1. Hazardous materials or used in dangerous gases or liquids or radioactive or flammable materials.
  2. Products that cannot be returned for reasons that may affect human health or other health reasons
  3. Products that have been opened after delivery, or that have been mixed with or blended with other items.
  4. Products that have been used or damaged by the buyer’s use of them and whose characteristics have changed or their condition has changed after the buyer received them.
  5. Consumables that are used once or are used consumables or are placed, combined, installed or added to other things.
  6. Products that do not contain a barcode or a serial number or have been tampered with.
  7. Specific products such as: (personal care products, food, beverages, household products, underwear, digital books, swimwear, socks, contact lenses, health products, cosmetics, perfumes, baby teethers, sanitary napkins, sanitary napkins, infant food, Music and video, video games).
  • Refunds: Refunds are made for purchased products according to the case:
  1. Refund of the full amount: including the value of shipping the product to the buyer in the event that the buyer canceled the order before shipping the product to him.
  2. Partial refund: It has two cases:
  • First: The amount paid by the buyer is returned, excluding the costs of shipping the product from the seller to the buyer and fees for collecting payment upon receipt, if any, in the event that the returned product is accepted by the seller as a result of returning the product after receiving it without reasons .
  • Second: The amount paid by the buyer is returned, except for the costs of shipping the product from the seller to the buyer and fees for collecting payment upon receipt, if any, in the event that the product returned from the seller accepts the return of the product after receiving it with reasons .
  • Refund procedures:
  1. Fill out the form (product return / exchange) and send it to us at cs@yejei.com
  2. The following data shall be mentioned in the form (the full name, the date of the request corresponding to the time of sending the request, the e-mail, the mobile number, the order or invoice number, the invoice amount, the product information, the type of the returned product, the reason for the return, the current condition of the product opened or used, the name The bank in which you have an account, bank account number, IBAN number)
  3. Amounts paid by credit cards will be returned to the credit card within 30 days or the period that will be notified to you via e-mail after receiving and approving the product and filling out a product return form.
  4. Amounts paid by bank transfer will be returned to your bank account within 15 days or the period that you will be notified of via e-mail after receiving and approving the product and filling out a product return form.
  5. The amounts paid upon delivery will be returned to your bank account within 15 days or the period that you will be notified of via e-mail after receiving and approving the product and filling out a product return form.
  6. In cases of amounts paid through our sellers, the amount will be returned by us within at least 20 days or the period that you will be notified of via e-mail after receiving and approving the product and filling out a product return form.
  • Product exchange:

Exactly what applies to return applies to exchange, except that:

  1. Products that do not accept returns are not exchanged.
  2. The replacement of the product is approved in the event that the buyer requests to change the damaged, defective, inappropriate or non-conforming product to the specifications requested by the customer and replace it with another product that is healthy or suitable for the customer’s requests within a period (3 days) from the date of receiving the product within the limits of the terms and conditions of the platform and do not apply It has the same cases that are not covered by the warranty or misuse.
  3. The product will be replaced within (3 days) from the date of receiving the product if the product is intact, and in this case the product will be replaced after receiving it without reasons
  4. The product can be replaced with another product that is different from it if the seller agrees to that, and it does not cancel the platform’s right to commissions or any other cost in the event that the cost of the product that was exchanged was higher than the product that was replaced for it, and the platform has the right to collect the price difference for the seller and collect the commission difference in the event The product that was exchanged was less expensive than the product that was replaced, Example No. 1: Ahmed bought a mobile device from one of our sellers at a value of 1000 riyals, then he requested to replace it, and the seller agreed to that, and he replaced it with a mobile device worth 750 riyals, in this case the amount will be refunded 250 riyals for the buyer Ahmed, with deducting the shipping value from the seller to the buyer, then deducting the shipping value from the buyer to the seller when replacing and returning the product, and deducting the shipping value from the seller to the buyer again and any other costs such as payment upon receipt, for example, and the platform commission is calculated on the basis The price of the first mobile device is 1000 riyals.

Example No. 2: Salem bought a mobile device from one of our sellers at a value of 1,000 riyals, then he asked to replace it, and the seller agreed to that, and he replaced it with a mobile device worth 1,300 riyals. In this case, 300 riyals will be requested from Salem in favor of the seller, with the shipping value deducted from the seller to the buyer. Then the shipping value is deducted from the buyer to the seller when replacing and returning the product, and the shipping value is deducted from the seller to the buyer again and any other costs such as payment upon receipt, for example, and the platform commission is calculated based on the price of the second mobile device 1300 riyals.

  • Communication mechanism:
  1. Send a form (return / exchange a product) to the e-mail cs@yejei.com or fill out the following link: https://forms.gle/JokxAyzQX88rQ5Sq8 
  2. Email us on the WhatsApp number +966555403607 and send the form to WhatsApp.
  3. Email us via chat on the platform.


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